Fantai Meng
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Cited by
A synthesis of feasible control methods for floating offshore wind turbine system dynamics
KA Shah, F Meng, Y Li, R Nagamune, Y Zhou, Z Ren, Z Jiang
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 151, 111525, 2021
Co-located offshore wind–wave energy systems: Can motion suppression and reliable power generation be achieved simultaneously?
F Meng, N Sergiienko, B Ding, B Zhou, LSP Da Silva, B Cazzolato, Y Li
Applied Energy 331, 120373, 2023
Modal analysis of a submerged spherical point absorber with asymmetric mass distribution
F Meng, B Ding, B Cazzolato, M Arjomandi
Renewable Energy 130, 223-237, 2019
The application of modal analysis to the design of multi-mode point absorber wave energy converters
B Ding, N Sergiienko, F Meng, B Cazzolato, P Hardy, M Arjomandi
Ocean Engineering 171, 603-618, 2019
Power set-point tracking of a wave energy converter with multiple power take-off units in irregular waves
F Meng, B Ding, NY Sergiienko, H Chen, H Xu, Y Li
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 13 (2), 767-777, 2021
A sensitivity study on the effect of mass distribution of a single-tether spherical point absorber
F Meng, B Cazzolato, Y Li, B Ding, N Sergiienko, M Arjomandi
Renewable energy 141, 583-595, 2019
Study of fully submerged point absorber wave energy converter-modelling, simulation and scaled experiment
B Ding, LSP da Silva, N Sergiienko, F Meng, JD Piper, L Bennetts, ...
The 32nd International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Dalian …, 2017
Nonlinear hydrodynamics analysis of a submerged spherical point absorber with asymmetric mass distribution
F Meng, A Rafiee, B Ding, B Cazzolato, M Arjomandi
Renewable energy 147, 1895-1908, 2020
Comparison of wave-body interaction modelling methods for the study of reactively controlled point absorber wave energy converter
B Ding, PY Wuillaume, F Meng, A Babarit, B Schubert, N Sergiienko, ...
34th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies (IWWWFB), 2019
Numerical simulation of a submerged spherical point absorber with asymmetric mass distribution
F Meng, A Rafiee, B Cazzolato, B Ding, M Arjomandi, JD Piper, ...
Proceedings of the 12th European wave and tidal energy conference, 2017
Pseudo-nonlinear hydrodynamic coefficients for modelling point absorber wave energy converters
BW Schubert, F Meng, NY Sergiienko, W Robertson, BS Cazzolato, ...
Proceedings of the 4th Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Taipei …, 2018
Enhancing the relative capture width of submerged point absorbing wave energy converters
B Ding, N Sergiienko, F Meng, B Cazzolato, P Hardy, M Arjomandi
Proc. of the 4th Asian Wave and, 2018
Technical report model validation of the submerged spherical point absorber with asymmetric mass distribution
F Meng, B Cazzolato, B Ding, M Arjomandi
Tech. Rep., March, 2017
Enhancing the relative capture width of submerged point absorbers
B Ding, N Sergiienko, F Meng, B Cazzolato, M Arjomandi, P Hardy
preparation for Ocean Engineering, 2017
Resource assessment for combined offshore wind and wave energy in China
B Jiang, EH Hou, ZT Gao, J Ding, YZ Fang, SS Khan, GW Wu, Q Wang, ...
Science China Technological Sciences 66 (9), 2530-2548, 2023
Motion Suppression of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Using Heaving Point Absorbers: A Case Study in Australia
LSP da Silva, N Y. Sergiienko, B S. Cazzolato, F Meng, M de Oliveira, ...
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 86908 …, 2023
A study on a single-tether spherical point absorber with an asymmetric mass distribution
F Meng
Efficiency improvement of submerged point absorbing wave energy converters by utilizing motion-coupling
F Meng, B Cazzolato, B Ding, M Arjomandi
CSIRO, 2016
The resonant motion of a 3 DOF mass-offset submerged buoy in regular waves
F Meng, B Cazzolato, B Ding, Z Prime
Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute, 2015
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Articles 1–19