Oliver Christ
Oliver Christ
Professor, Psychological Methods and Evaluation, FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany
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Recent advances in intergroup contact theory
TF Pettigrew, LR Tropp, U Wagner, O Christ
International journal of intercultural relations 35 (3), 271-280, 2011
Should I Stay or Should I Go? Explaining Turnover Intentions with Organizational Identification and Job Satisfaction*
R Van Dick, O Christ, J Stellmacher, U Wagner, O Ahlswede, C Grubba, ...
British journal of management 15 (4), 351-360, 2004
The utility of a broader conceptualization of organizational identification: Which aspects really matter?
R Van Dick, U Wagner, J Stellmacher, O Christ
Journal of Occupational and Organizational psychology 77 (2), 171-191, 2004
Explaining radical group behavior: Developing emotion and efficacy routes to normative and nonnormative collective action.
N Tausch, JC Becker, R Spears, O Christ, R Saab, P Singh, RN Siddiqui
Journal of personality and social psychology 101 (1), 129, 2011
Identity and the extra mile: Relationships between organizational identification and organizational citizenship behaviour.
R Van Dick, MW Grojean, O Christ, J Wieseke
British Journal of Management 17 (4), 2006
Prejudice and minority proportion: Contact instead of threat effects
U Wagner, O Christ, TF Pettigrew, J Stellmacher, C Wolf
Social psychology quarterly 69 (4), 380-390, 2006
Direct and indirect intergroup contact effects on prejudice: A normative interpretation
TF Pettigrew, O Christ, U Wagner, J Stellmacher
International Journal of intercultural relations 31 (4), 411-425, 2007
Contextual effect of positive intergroup contact on outgroup prejudice
O Christ, K Schmid, S Lolliot, H Swart, D Stolle, N Tausch, A Al Ramiah, ...
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 111 (11), 3996-4000, 2014
Affective mediators of intergroup contact: A three-wave longitudinal study in South Africa.
H Swart, M Hewstone, O Christ, A Voci
Journal of personality and social psychology 101 (6), 1221, 2011
When teachers go the extra mile: Foci of organisational identification as determinants of different forms of organisational citizenship behaviour among schoolteachers
O Christ, R Van Dick, U Wagner, J Stellmacher
British Journal of Educational Psychology 73 (3), 329-341, 2003
Ethnic prejudice in East and West Germany: The explanatory power of intergroup contact
U Wagner, R Van Dick, TF Pettigrew, O Christ
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 6 (1), 22-36, 2003
What makes a group worth dying for? Identity fusion fosters perception of familial ties, promoting self-sacrifice.
WB Swann Jr, MD Buhrmester, A Gómez, J Jetten, B Bastian, A Vázquez, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 106 (6), 912, 2014
Relative deprivation and intergroup prejudice
TF Pettigrew, O Christ, U Wagner, RW Meertens, R Van Dick, A Zick
Journal of Social Issues 64 (2), 385-401, 2008
Reducing prejudice via direct and extended cross-group friendship
RN Turner, M Hewstone, A Voci, S Paolini, O Christ
European review of social psychology 18 (1), 212-255, 2007
Strukturgleichungsmodelle mit Mplus: eine praktische Einführung
O Christ, E Schlüter
Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag Verlag, 2012
Category salience and organizational identification
R Van Dick, U Wagner, J Stellmacher, O Christ
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 78 (2), 273-285, 2005
Intergroup contact and social change: Implications of negative and positive contact for collective action in advantaged and disadvantaged groups
NK Reimer, JC Becker, A Benz, O Christ, K Dhont, U Klocke, S Neji, ...
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 43 (1), 121-136, 2017
Direct contact as a moderator of extended contact effects: Cross-sectional and longitudinal impact on outgroup attitudes, behavioral intentions, and attitude certainty
O Christ, M Hewstone, N Tausch, U Wagner, A Voci, J Hughes, E Cairns
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36 (12), 1662-1674, 2010
Role of perceived importance in intergroup contact.
R Van Dick, U Wagner, TF Pettigrew, O Christ, C Wolf, T Petzel, VS Castro, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 87 (2), 211, 2004
Cross‐community contact, perceived status differences, and intergroup attitudes in Northern Ireland: The mediating roles of individual‐level versus group‐level threats and the …
N Tausch, M Hewstone, J Kenworthy, E Cairns, O Christ
Political Psychology 28 (1), 53-68, 2007
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Articles 1–20