Getachew K. Befekadu
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Cited by
Risk-sensitive control under Markov modulated denial-of-service (DoS) attack strategies
GK Befekadu, V Gupta, P Antsaklis
Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on 60 (12), 3299 - 3304, 2015
Modeling pulsed laser ablation of aluminum with finite element analysis considering material moving front
Y Wang, N Shen, GK Befekadu, CL Pasiliao
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 113, 1246-1253, 2017
Risk-sensitive control under a class of denial-of-service attack models
GK Befekadu, V Gupta, PJ Antsaklis
Proceedings of the 2011 American Control Conference, 643-648, 2011
Robust decentralized controller design for power systems using matrix inequalities approaches
GK Befekadu, I Erlich
2006 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 8 pp., 2006
On the asymptotic estimates for exit probabilities and minimum exit rates of diffusion processes pertaining to a chain of distributed control systems
GK Befekadu, PJ Antsaklis
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 53 (4), 2297-2318, 2015
Reliable decentralised stabilisation of multi-channel systems: a design method via dilated LMIs and unknown disturbance observers
Y Fujisaki, GK Befekadu
International journal of control 82 (11), 2040-2050, 2009
On reliable stabilization via rectangular dilated LMIs and dissipativity-based certifications
GK Befekadu, V Gupta, PJ Antsaklis
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 58 (3), 792-796, 2012
Robust decentralized dynamic output feedback controller design for power systems: An LMI approach
GK Befekadu, I Erlich
2007 IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, 1-6, 2007
Risk-sensitive control under a Markov modulated denial-of-service attack model
GK Befekadu, V Gupta, PJ Antsaklis
2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control …, 2011
Robust decentralized structure-constrained controller design for power systems: an LMI approach
GK Befekadu, I Erlich
Power Systems Computation Conference, 2005
Optimal control of diffusion processes pertaining to an opioid epidemic dynamical model with random perturbations
GK Befekadu, Q Zhu
Journal of Mathematical Biology 78 (5), 1425-1438, 2019
Uncertainty quantification for modeling pulsed laser ablation of aluminum considering uncertainty in the temperature-dependent absorption coefficient
Y Wang, GK Befekadu, H Ding, DW Hahn
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 120, 515-522, 2018
Probabilistic mixture regression models for alignment of LC-MS data
GK Befekadu, MG Tadesse, TH Tsai, HW Ressom
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 8 (5 …, 2010
Robust decentralized control of power systems: A matrix inequalities approach
GK Befekadu
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften …, 2006
A Bayesian based functional mixed-effects model for analysis of LC-MS data
GK Befekadu, MG Tadesse, HW Ressom
2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2009
Robust decentralized controller design for power systems using convex optimization involving LMIs
GK Befekadu, I Erlich
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 38 (1), 91-96, 2005
On the asymptotic exit control problem for stochastically perturbed prescription opioid epidemic models
GK Befekadu
IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (20), 262-266, 2019
On the hierarchical optimal control of a chain of distributed systems
GK Befekadu, EL Pasiliao
Journal of Dynamics and Games 2 (2), 187 - 199, 2015
Reliable decentralized stabilization via dilated LMIs and unknown disturbance observers
Y Fujisaki, GK Befekadu
Control Applications, 2007. CCA 2007. IEEE International Conference on, 1583 …, 2007
Large deviation principle for dynamical systems coupled with diffusion-transmutation processes
GK Befekadu
Systems & Control Letters 125 (3), 9-15, 2019
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Articles 1–20