Rolf J.F. Ypma
Rolf J.F. Ypma
Netherlands Forensic Institute, The Hague
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Wiring cost and topological participation of the mouse brain connectome
M Rubinov, RJF Ypma, C Watson, ET Bullmore
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (32), 10032-10037, 2015
Relating phylogenetic trees to transmission trees of infectious disease outbreaks
RJF Ypma, WM van Ballegooijen, J Wallinga
Genetics 195 (3), 1055-1062, 2013
Unravelling transmission trees of infectious diseases by combining genetic and epidemiological data
RJF Ypma, AMA Bataille, A Stegeman, G Koch, J Wallinga, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1728), 444-450, 2012
Whole-brain functional hypoconnectivity as an endophenotype of autism in adolescents
RL Moseley, RJF Ypma, RJ Holt, D Floris, LR Chura, MD Spencer, ...
Neuroimage: clinical 9, 140-152, 2015
Graph theory analysis of complex brain networks: new concepts in brain mapping applied to neurosurgery
MG Hart, RJF Ypma, R Romero-Garcia, SJ Price, J Suckling
Journal of neurosurgery 124 (6), 1665-1678, 2016
Genetic data provide evidence for wind-mediated transmission of highly pathogenic avian influenza
RJF Ypma, M Jonges, A Bataille, A Stegeman, G Koch, M Van Boven, ...
The Journal of infectious diseases 207 (5), 730-735, 2013
Default mode hypoconnectivity underlies a sex-related autism spectrum
RJF Ypma, RL Moseley, RJ Holt, N Rughooputh, DL Floris, LR Chura, ...
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 1 (4), 364-371, 2016
Consensus on validation of forensic voice comparison
GS Morrison, E Enzinger, V Hughes, M Jessen, D Meuwly, C Neumann, ...
Science & Justice 61 (3), 299-309, 2021
A sign of superspreading in tuberculosis: highly skewed distribution of genotypic cluster sizes
RJF Ypma, HK Altes, D van Soolingen, J Wallinga, WM Van Ballegooijen
Epidemiology 24 (3), 395-400, 2013
OutbreakTools: a new platform for disease outbreak analysis using the R software
T Jombart, DM Aanensen, M Baguelin, P Birrell, S Cauchemez, ...
Epidemics 7, 28-34, 2014
Infectious disease burden related to child day care in the Netherlands
R Enserink, R Ypma, GA Donker, HA Smit, W van Pelt
The Pediatric infectious disease journal 32 (8), e334-e340, 2013
Automated estimation of the number of contributors in autosomal short tandem repeat profiles using a machine learning approach
CCG Benschop, J van der Linden, J Hoogenboom, R Ypma, H Haned
Forensic science international: genetics 43, 102150, 2019
Statistical analysis of tract-tracing experiments demonstrates a dense, complex cortical network in the mouse
RJF Ypma, ET Bullmore
PLoS computational biology 12 (9), e1005104, 2016
Viral substitution rate variation can arise from the interplay between within-host and epidemiological dynamics
SO Scholle, RJF Ypma, AL Lloyd, K Koelle
The American Naturalist 182 (4), 494-513, 2013
Explainable artificial intelligence in forensics: Realistic explanations for number of contributor predictions of DNA profiles
MS Veldhuis, S Ariëns, RJF Ypma, T Abeel, CCG Benschop
Forensic Science International: Genetics 56, 102632, 2022
Establishing phone-pair co-usage by comparing mobility patterns
W Bosma, S Dalm, E van Eijk, R El Harchaoui, E Rijgersberg, HT Tops, ...
Science & Justice 60 (2), 180-190, 2020
Calculating LRs for presence of body fluids from mRNA assay data in mixtures
RJF Ypma, PA Maaskant-van Wijk, R Gill, M Sjerps, M Van den Berge
Forensic Science International: Genetics 52, 102455, 2021
Finding evidence for local transmission of contagious disease in molecular epidemiological datasets
RJF Ypma, T Donker, WM van Ballegooijen, J Wallinga
PloS one 8 (7), e69875, 2013
Monitoring the spread of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in The Netherlands from a reference laboratory perspective
T Donker, T Bosch, RJF Ypma, APJ Haenen, WM Van Ballegooijen, ...
Journal of Hospital Infection 93 (4), 366-374, 2016
Why calibrating LR-systems is best practice. A reaction to “The evaluation of evidence for microspectrophotometry data using functional data analysis”, in FSI 305
P Vergeer, I Alberink, M Sjerps, R Ypma
Forensic Science International 314, 110388, 2020
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Articles 1–20