Nuno FM Martins
Nuno FM Martins
Professor at Dept. Mathematics, FCT/UNL
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The direct method of fundamental solutions and the inverse Kirsch-Kress method for the reconstruction of elastic inclusions or cavities
CJS Alves, NFM Martins
The Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, 153-178, 2009
Full identification of acoustic sources with multiple frequencies and boundary measurements
CJS Alves, NFM Martins, NC Roberty
Inverse Problems and Imaging 3 (2), 275-294, 2009
Recovering the source term in a linear diffusion problem by the method of fundamental solutions
CJS Alves, MJ Colaco, VMA Leitão, NFM Martins, HRB Orlande, ...
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 16 (8), 1005-1021, 2008
An iterative MFS approach for the detection of immersed obstacles
NFM Martins, AL Silvestre
Engineering analysis with boundary elements 32 (6), 517-524, 2008
Extending the method of fundamental solutions to non-homogeneous elastic wave problems
CJS Alves, NFM Martins, SS Valtchev
Applied Numerical Mathematics 115, 299-313, 2017
A meshfree method for elasticity problems with interfaces
NFM Martins, M Rebelo
Applied Mathematics and Computation 219, 10732-10745, 2013
Reconstruction of inclusions or cavities in potential problems using the MFS
CJS Alves, NFM Martins
The method of fundamental solutions—a meshless method. Atlanta: Dynamic …, 2008
An iterative shape reconstruction of source functions in a potential problem using the MFS
NFM Martins
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 20 (8), 1175-1193, 2012
Trefftz methods with cracklets and their relation to BEM and MFS
CJS Alves, NFM Martins, SS Valtchev
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 95, 93-104, 2018
Domain decomposition methods with fundamental solutions for Helmholtz problems with discontinuous source terms
CJS Alves, NFM Martins, SS Valtchev
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 88, 16-32, 2021
On inverse problems for characteristic sources in Helmholtz equations
CJS Alves, R Mamud, NFM Martins, NC Roberty
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2017 (1), 2472060, 2017
Identification results for inverse source problems in unsteady Stokes flows
NFM Martins
Inverse Problems 31 (1), 015004, 2015
Identification and reconstruction of elastic body forces
CJS Alves, NFM Martins, NC Roberty
Inverse Problems 30 (5), 055015, 2014
Meshfree methods for nonhomogeneous Brinkman flows
NFM Martins, M Rebelo
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 68 (8), 872-886, 2014
Optimal Portfolio for the -Hypergeometric Stochastic Volatility Model
F Cipriano, NFM Martins, D Pereira
SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics 12 (1), 226-253, 2021
The method of fundamental solutions applied to a heat conduction inverse problem
CJS Alves, NFM Martins
III European Conference on Computational Mechanics: Solids, Structures and …, 2006
Numerical methods with particular solutions for nonhomogeneous Stokes and Brinkman systems
CJS Alves, NFM Martins, AL Silvestre
Advances in Computational Mathematics 48 (4), 44, 2022
Solving boundary value problems on manifolds with a plane waves method
CJS Alves, PRS Antunes, NFM Martins, SS Valtchev
Applied Mathematics Letters 107, 106426, 2020
The public finance and the economic growth in the First Portuguese Republic
NF Martins, AP Duarte
Economic analysis 47 (1-2), 59-75, 2014
On the determination of a Robin boundary coefficient in an elastic cavity using the MFS
CJS Alves, NFM Martins
Progress on Meshless Methods, 125-139, 2009
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