Julie Wolf
Julie Wolf
Yale Child Study Center
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Functional magnetic resonance imaging evidence of augmented pain processing in fibromyalgia
RH Gracely, F Petzke, JM Wolf, DJ Clauw
Arthritis & Rheumatism 46 (5), 1333-1343, 2002
Using computerized games to teach face recognition skills to children with autism spectrum disorder: the Let’s Face It! program
JW Tanaka, JM Wolf, C Klaiman, K Koenig, J Cockburn, L Herlihy, ...
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 51 (8), 944-952, 2010
Neural signatures of autism
MD Kaiser, CM Hudac, S Shultz, SM Lee, C Cheung, AM Berken, B Deen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (49), 21223-21228, 2010
Specific impairment of face‐processing abilities in children with autism spectrum disorder using the Let's Face It! skills battery
JM Wolf, JW Tanaka, C Klaiman, J Cockburn, L Herlihy, C Brown, M South, ...
Autism Research 1 (6), 329-340, 2008
Revised methane emissions factors and spatially distributed annual carbon fluxes for global livestock
J Wolf, GR Asrar, TO West
Carbon balance and management 12, 1-24, 2017
Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentrations Amplify Alternaria alternata Sporulation and Total Antigen Production
J Wolf, NR O’neill, CA Rogers, ML Muilenberg, LH Ziska
Environmental health perspectives 118 (9), 1223-1228, 2010
The perception and identification of facial emotions in individuals with autism spectrum disorders using the Let’s Face It! Emotion Skills Battery
JW Tanaka, JM Wolf, C Klaiman, K Koenig, J Cockburn, L Herlihy, ...
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 53 (12), 1259-1267, 2012
The scope of social attention deficits in autism: Prioritized orienting to people and animals in static natural scenes
JJ New, RT Schultz, J Wolf, JL Niehaus, A Klin, TC German, BJ Scholl
Neuropsychologia 48 (1), 51-59, 2010
Responses and sustained interactions in children with mental retardation and autism
CT Jackson, D Fein, J Wolf, G Jones, M Hauck, L Waterhouse, C Feinstein
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 33, 115-121, 2003
Improvements in social and adaptive functioning following short-duration PRT program: A clinical replication
P Ventola, HE Friedman, LC Anderson, JM Wolf, D Oosting, J Foss-Feig, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 44, 2862-2870, 2014
Heterogeneity of neural mechanisms of response to pivotal response treatment
P Ventola, DYJ Yang, HE Friedman, D Oosting, J Wolf, DG Sukhodolsky, ...
Brain imaging and behavior 9, 74-88, 2015
Spatiotemporal patterns of livestock manure nutrient production in the conterminous United States from 1930 to 2012
Q Yang, H Tian, X Li, W Ren, B Zhang, X Zhang, J Wolf
Science of the Total Environment 541, 1592-1602, 2016
Biogenic carbon fluxes from global agricultural production and consumption
J Wolf, TO West, Y Le Page, GP Kyle, X Zhang, GJ Collatz, ML Imhoff
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 29 (10), 1617-1639, 2015
Sibling relationships: Parent–child agreement and contributions of siblings with and without ASD
ML Braconnier, MC Coffman, N Kelso, JM Wolf
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 48, 1612-1622, 2018
When children with autism become adults
FR Volkmar, JM Wolf
World Psychiatry 12 (1), 79, 2013
Automatic processing of emotional faces in high-functioning pervasive developmental disorders: An affective priming study
Y Kamio, J Wolf, D Fein
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 36, 155-167, 2006
Downscaling global land cover projections from an integrated assessment model for use in regional analyses: results and evaluation for the US from 2005 to 2095
TO West, Y Le Page, M Huang, J Wolf, AM Thomson
Environmental Research Letters 9 (6), 064004, 2014
Macroclimate associated with urbanization increases the rate of secondary succession from fallow soil
K George, LH Ziska, JA Bunce, B Quebedeaux, JL Hom, J Wolf, ...
Oecologia 159, 637-647, 2009
Re-conceptualizing ASD within a dimensional framework: Positive, negative, and cognitive feature clusters
JH Foss-Feig, JC McPartland, A Anticevic, J Wolf
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 46, 342-351, 2016
A neurogenetic analysis of female autism
A Jack, CAW Sullivan, E Aylward, SY Bookheimer, M Dapretto, N Gaab, ...
Brain 144 (6), 1911-1926, 2021
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Articles 1–20