Jin-Xiao Zhang
Jin-Xiao Zhang
Department of Neurology, UCSF
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Using emotion regulation strategies after sleep deprivation: ERP and behavioral findings
J Zhang, EYY Lau, JH Hsiao
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 19, 283-295, 2019
Individuals with insomnia misrecognize angry faces as fearful faces while missing the eyes: An eye-tracking study
J Zhang, AB Chan, EYY Lau, JH Hsiao
Sleep 42 (2), zsy220, 2019
Sleep deprivation compromises resting‐state emotional regulatory processes: An EEG study
J Zhang, EYY Lau, JH Hsiao
Journal of sleep research 28 (3), e12671, 2019
Frontoparietal and default mode network contributions to self-referential processing in social anxiety disorder
ML Dixon, CA Moodie, PR Goldin, N Farb, RG Heimberg, J Zhang, ...
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 1-12, 2022
Sleep-related daytime consequences mediated the neuroticism–depression link
ML Wong, J Zhang, YK Wing, EYY Lau
Sleep and Biological Rhythms 15 (1), 21-30, 2017
Negative dream affect is associated with next-day affect level, but not with affect reactivity or affect regulation
P Sikka, H Engelbrektsson, J Zhang, JJ Gross
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 16, 981289, 2022
Individual differences in perceived sleep quality do not predict negative affect reactivity or regulation
J Zhang, M Ten Brink, SD Kreibig, G Gilam, PR Goldin, R Manber, ...
Biological psychology 164, 108149, 2021
Sleep deprivation undermines the link between identity and intergroup bias
J Zhang, Y Yang, YY Hong
Sleep 43 (2), zsz213, 2020
Insomniacs misidentify angry faces as fearful faces because of missing the eyes: an eye-tracking study
J Zhang, AB Chan, EYY Lau, JH Hsiao
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 39, 2017
The neural separability of emotion reactivity and regulation
JX Zhang, ML Dixon, PR Goldin, D Spiegel, JJ Gross
Affective Science 4 (4), 617-629, 2023
Pre-sleep affect predicts subsequent REM frontal theta in nonlinear fashion
M Ten Brink, Y Yan, J Zhang, A Goldstein-Piekarski, A Krause, S Kreibig, ...
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 23 (2), 306-322, 2023
Daytime affect and sleep EEG activity: A data‐driven exploration
JX Zhang, M Ten Brink, Y Yan, A Goldstein‐Piekarski, AJ Krause, ...
Journal of Sleep Research 32 (5), e13916, 2023
Emotion regulation and choice of bilateral mastectomy for the treatment of unilateral breast cancer
JX Zhang, AW Kurian, B Jo, B Nouriani, E Neri, JJ Gross, D Spiegel
Cancer Medicine 12 (11), 12837-12846, 2023
The role of emotion regulation, affect, and sleep in individuals with sleep bruxism and those without: protocol for a remote longitudinal observational study
SD Kreibig, M Ten Brink, A Mehta, A Talmon, JX Zhang, AS Brown, ...
JMIR Research Protocols 12 (1), e41719, 2023
Testing the neural separability of emotion reactivity and regulation
JX Zhang, ML Dixon, PR Goldin, D Spiegel, J Gross
PsyArXiv, 2023
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Articles 1–15