Douglas E. Smith
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Cited by
The bacteriophage phi29 portal motor can package DNA against a large internal force
DE Smith, SJ Tans, SB Smith, S Grimes, DL Anderson, C Bustamante
Nature 413 (6857), 748-752, 2001
Single-molecule studies of DNA mechanics
C Bustamante, SB Smith, J Liphardt, D Smith
Current Opinion in Structural Biology 10 (3), 279-285, 2000
Single polymer dynamics in an elongational flow
TT Perkins, DE Smith, S Chu
Science 276 (5321), 2016-2021, 1997
Single-polymer dynamics in steady shear flow
DE Smith, HP Babcock, S Chu
Science 283 (5408), 1724-1727, 1999
Relaxation of a single DNA molecule observed by optical microscopy
TT Perkins, SR Quake, DE Smith, S Chu
Science 264 (5160), 822-826, 1994
Stretching of a single tethered polymer in a uniform flow
TT Perkins, DE Smith, RG Larson, S Chu
Science, 83-83, 1995
Direct observation of tube-like motion of a single polymer chain
TT Perkins, DE Smith, S Chu
Science 264 (5160), 819-822, 1994
Response of flexible polymers to a sudden elongational flow
DE Smith, S Chu
Science 281 (5381), 1335-1340, 1998
Dynamical scaling of DNA diffusion coefficients
DE Smith, TT Perkins, S Chu
Macromolecules 29 (4), 1372-1373, 1996
Diffusion of isolated DNA molecules: dependence on length and topology
RM Robertson, S Laib, DE Smith
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (19), 7310-7314, 2006
Brownian dynamics simulations of a DNA molecule in an extensional flow field
RG Larson, H Hu, DE Smith, S Chu
Journal of Rheology (1978-present) 43 (2), 267-304, 1999
The hydrodynamics of a DNA molecule in a flow field
RG Larson, TT Perkins, DE Smith, S Chu
Flexible Polymer Chains in Elongational Flow, 259-282, 1999
Hydrodynamics of a DNA molecule in a flow field
RG Larson, TT Perkins, DE Smith, S Chu
Physical Review E 55 (2), 1794-1797, 1997
Single phage T4 DNA packaging motors exhibit large force generation, high velocity, and dynamic variability
DN Fuller, DM Raymer, VI Kottadiel, VB Rao, DE Smith
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (43), 16868-16873, 2007
Measurements of single DNA molecule packaging dynamics in bacteriophage λ reveal high forces, high motor processivity, and capsid transformations
DN Fuller, DM Raymer, JP Rickgauer, RM Robertson, CE Catalano, ...
Journal of Molecular Biology 373 (5), 1113-1122, 2007
Dynamics of dilute and semidilute DNA solutions in the start-up of shear flow
JS Hur, ESG Shaqfeh, HP Babcock, DE Smith, S Chu
Journal of Rheology (1978-present) 45 (2), 421-450, 2001
Ionic effects on viral DNA packaging and portal motor function in bacteriophage φ29
DN Fuller, JP Rickgauer, PJ Jardine, S Grimes, DL Anderson, DE Smith
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (27), 11245-11250, 2007
Portal Motor Velocity and Internal Force Resisting Viral DNA Packaging in Bacteriophage ϕ29
JP Rickgauer, DN Fuller, S Grimes, PJ Jardine, DL Anderson, DE Smith
Biophysical journal 94 (1), 159-167, 2008
Self-diffusion of an entangled DNA molecule by reptation
DE Smith, TT Perkins, S Chu
Physical review letters 75 (22), 4146, 1995
Spontaneous knotting of an agitated string
DM Raymer, DE Smith
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (42), 16432-16437, 2007
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