Bhoj R. Gautam
Bhoj R. Gautam
Lehigh Valley Health Network
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Magnetocaloric effects in Ni–Mn–X based Heusler alloys with X= Ga, Sb, In
I Dubenko, M Khan, AK Pathak, BR Gautam, S Stadler, N Ali
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 (7), 754-757, 2009
Exchange bias in bulk Ni–Mn–In-based Heusler alloys
AK Pathak, M Khan, BR Gautam, S Stadler, I Dubenko, N Ali
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 (8), 963-965, 2009
Phase transitions and magnetoresistance in Ni50Mn50− xInx Heusler alloys
AK Pathak, BR Gautam, I Dubenko, M Khan, S Stadler, N Ali
Journal of Applied Physics 103 (7), 2008
Effect of small changes in Mn concentration on phase transition temperatures and magnetic entropy variations in Ni2Mn0. 75Cu0. 25Ga Heusler alloys
BR Gautam, I Dubenko, JC Mabon, S Stadler, N Ali
Journal of alloys and compounds 472 (1-2), 35-39, 2009
Effect of isoelectronic substitution on magnetic properties of Ni2Mn (GaB) Heusler alloys
BR Gautam, I Dubenko, AK Pathak, S Stadler, N Ali
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (46), 465209, 2008
Dosimetric and thermal properties of a newly developed thermobrachytherapy seed with ferromagnetic core for treatment of solid tumors
B Gautam, EI Parsai, D Shvydka, J Feldmeier, M Subramanian
Medical physics 39 (4), 1980-1990, 2012
The structural and magnetic properties of Ni2Mn1− xBxGa Heusler alloys
BR Gautam, I Dubenko, AK Pathak, S Stadler, N Ali
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 321 (1), 29-33, 2009
Intermartensitic transitions in Ni–Mn–Fe–Cu–Ga Heusler alloys
M Khan, B Gautam, A Pathak, I Dubenko, S Stadler, N Ali
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (50), 505206, 2008
Evaluation of a novel thermobrachytherapy seed for concurrent administration of brachytherapy and magnetically mediated hyperthermia in treatment of solid tumors
EI Parsai, B Gautam, D Shvydka
Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering 1 (1), 2011
Practical considerations for maximizing heat production in a novel thermobrachytherapy seed prototype
B Gautam, G Warrell, D Shvydka, M Subramanian, E Ishmael Parsai
Medical Physics 41 (2), 023301, 2014
SU‐FF‐T‐39: Investigating thermal properties of a thermobrachytherapy radioactive seed for concurrent brachytherapy and hyperthermia treatments: design considerations
D Shvydka, B Gautam, E Parsai, J Feldmeier
Medical Physics 36 (6Part9), 2528-2528, 2009
MO‐G‐BRA‐04: Advantages of Implementation of a Self‐Regulating Thermobrachy Seed for Solid Tumors
B Gautam, D Shvydka, J Feldmeier, M Subramanian, E Parsai
Medical Physics 38 (6Part27), 3733-3734, 2011
Study of dosimetric and thermal properties of a newly developed thermo-brachytherapy seed for treatment of solid tumors
BR Gautam
The University of Toledo, 2013
Quantitative assessment of the source attenuation for the new CT-compatible titanium Fletcher-Suit-Delclos (FSD) gynecologic applicator
N Soni
University of Toledo, 2012
Experimental Verification of Thermal Dose Distributions of a Novel Thermo Brachytherapy Seed for LDR Seed Implants
GR Warrell, B Gautam, D Shvydka, EI Parsai
International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 87 (2), S759-S760, 2013
WE‐A‐108‐04: Experimental Verification of the Thermal Properties of a Novel LDR Thermo‐Brachytherapy Seed
G Warrell, B Gautam, D Shvydka, M Subramanian, T Ng, E Parsai
Medical Physics 40 (6Part28), 466-466, 2013
Practical Considerations for Maximizing Heat Production in Novel Thermo-Brachytherapy Seed Prototype
B Gautam, D Shvydka, E Parsai
MEDICAL PHYSICS 39 (6), 3773-3773, 2012
SU‐E‐T‐110: Small Electron Field Surface Dosimetry Using Solid State Detectors
S Tanny, B Gautam, D Pearson, E Parsai
Medical Physics 39 (6Part11), 3728-3728, 2012
WE‐A‐BRB‐04: Comparison of the Radiation and Thermal Dose Distributions of a Novel Thermo‐Brachytherapy Seed
G Warrell, D Shvydka, B Gautam, E Parsai
Medical Physics 39 (6Part25), 3931-3932, 2012
Study of the Effect of Blood Perfusion Rate on Thermal Distribution of a Newly Designed Thermo-brachytherapy Seed for Treatment of Solid Tumors in Induction Heating
E Parsai, B Gautam, D Shvydka, JJ Feldmeier
International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 81 (2), S150, 2011
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Articles 1–20