Rebekah Frampton
Rebekah Frampton
Principal Biosecurity Officer, Environment Southland
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Advances in bacteriophage‐mediated control of plant pathogens
RA Frampton, AR Pitman, PC Fineran
International journal of microbiology 2012 (1), 326452, 2012
Identification of bacteriophages for the biocontrol of the kiwifruit canker phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae
RA Frampton, C Taylor, AVH Moreno, SB Visnovsky, NK Petty, AR Pitman, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, AEM. 00062-14, 2014
Ribonucleases in bacterial toxin–antitoxin systems
GM Cook, JR Robson, RA Frampton, J McKenzie, R Przybilski, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Gene Regulatory Mechanisms 1829 (6), 523-531, 2013
Toxin-antitoxin systems of mycobacterium smegmatis are essential for cell survival
R Frampton, RBM Aggio, SG Villas-Bôas, VL Arcus, GM Cook
Journal of Biological Chemistry 287 (8), 5340-5356, 2012
Rapid increases in soil pH solubilise organic matter, dramatically increase denitrification potential and strongly stimulate microorganisms from the Firmicutes phylum
CR Anderson, ME Peterson, RA Frampton, SR Bulman, S Keenan, ...
PeerJ 6, e6090, 2018
Rapid increase in soil pH solubilises organic matter, dramatically increases denitrification potential and strongly stimulates microorganisms from the Firmicutes phylum
CR Anderson, ME Peterson, RA Frampton, SR Bulman, S Keenan, ...
PeerJ Preprints 6, e26903v1, 2018
An internet-based bioinformatics toolkit for plant biosecurity diagnosis and surveillance of viruses and viroids
RA Barrero, KR Napier, J Cunnington, L Liefting, S Keenan, RA Frampton, ...
BMC Bioinformatics 18 (1), 26, 2017
Genomes of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’haplotype A from New Zealand and the United States suggest significant genome plasticity in the species
SM Thompson, CP Johnson, AY Lu, RA Frampton, KL Sullivan, ...
Phytopathology 105 (7), 863-871, 2015
Genome, Proteome and Structure of a T7-Like Bacteriophage of the Kiwifruit Canker Phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae
RA Frampton, EL Acedo, VL Young, D Chen, B Tong, C Taylor, ...
Viruses 7 (7), 3361-3379, 2015
Genome Sequence of a Jumbo Bacteriophage That Infects the Kiwifruit Phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae
JK Wojtus, RA Frampton, S Warring, H Hendrickson, PC Fineran
Microbiology resource announcements 8 (22), e00224-19, 2019
A lipopolysaccharide‐dependent phage infects a pseudomonad phytopathogen and can evolve to evade phage resistance
SL Warring, LM Malone, J Jayaraman, RA Easingwood, LA Rigano, ...
Environmental Microbiology 24 (10), 4834-4852, 2022
Draft Genome Sequence of a “Candidatus Liberibacter europaeus” Strain Assembled from Broom Psyllids (Arytainilla spartiophila) from New Zealand
RA Frampton, SM Thompson, F Kalamorz, C David, SM Addison, ...
Genome Announcements 6 (20), e00430-18, 2018
Characterization of a Novel Double-Stranded RNA Virus from Phytophthora pluvialis in New Zealand
Z Xu, ME Khalifa, RA Frampton, GR Smith, RL McDougal, ...
Viruses 14 (2), 247, 2022
Potential pathogenicity determinants in the genome of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’, the causal agent of zebra chip disease of potato
JM Gilkes, RA Frampton, GR Smith, RCJ Dobson
Australasian Plant Pathology 47, 119-134, 2018
Factors associated with soils suppressive to black scurf of potato caused by Rhizoctonia solani
PJ Wright, RA Frampton, C Anderson, D Hedderley
New Zealand Plant Protection 75, 31-49, 2022
Genomes of Potato Mop-Top Virus (Virgaviridae: Pomovirus) Isolates from New Zealand and Their Impact on Diagnostic Methods
RA Frampton, SM Addison, F Kalamorz, GR Smith
Plant Disease 106 (10), 2571-2575, 2022
Factors influencing suppressiveness of soils to powdery scab of potato
PJ Wright, RE Falloon, C Anderson, RA Frampton, D Curtin, D Hedderley
Australasian Plant Pathology 50, 715-728, 2021
Factors associated with suppression of Fusarium basal rot of onion in New Zealand soils: literature review and greenhouse experiments
PJ Wright, RA Frampton, C Anderson, B Searle, D Hedderley
New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 51 (2), 137-155, 2023
The First Purification of Functional Proteins from the Unculturable, Genome-Reduced, Bottlenecked α-Proteobacterium ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’
JM Gilkes, CR Sheen, RA Frampton, GR Smith, RCJ Dobson
Phytopathology 109 (7), 1141-1148, 2019
Analysis of plant and fungal transcripts from resistant and susceptible phenotypes of Leptospermum scoparium challenged by Austropuccinia psidii
RA Frampton, LS Shuey, CC David, GM Pringle, F Kalamorz, GS Pegg, ...
Phytopathology, 2024
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Articles 1–20