Professor Frosso Motti-Stefanidi, PhD
Professor Frosso Motti-Stefanidi, PhD
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Cited by
An integrative risk and resilience model for understanding the adaptation of immigrant-origin children and youth.
C Suárez-Orozco, F Motti-Stefanidi, A Marks, D Katsiaficas
American Psychologist 73 (6), 781, 2018
Multisystem resilience for children and youth in disaster: Reflections in the context of COVID-19
AS Masten, F Motti-Stefanidi
Adversity and resilience science 1 (2), 95-106, 2020
The role of affect in social competence.
LA Sroufe, E Schork, F Motti, N Lawroski, P LaFreniere
Cambridge University Press, 1985
Recognizing internet addiction: Prevalence and relationship to academic achievement in adolescents enrolled in urban and rural Greek high schools
V Stavropoulos, K Alexandraki, F Motti-Stefanidi
Journal of adolescence 36 (3), 565-576, 2013
Positive immigrant youth adaptation in context: Developmental, acculturation, and social-psychological perspectives.
F Motti-Stefanidi, J Berry, X Chryssochoou, DL Sam, J Phinney
Cambridge University Press, 2012
School success and school engagement of immigrant children and adolescents
F Motti-Stefanidi, AS Masten
European Psychologist, 2013
A resilience perspective on immigrant youth adaptation and development
F Motti-Stefanidi, A S Masten
Handbook on positive development of minority children and youth, 19-34, 2017
Resilience among immigrant youth: The role of culture, development and acculturation
F Motti-Stefanidi
Developmental Review 50, 99-109, 2018
Me, us, and them: Testing sociometer theory in a socially diverse real-life context.
AK Reitz, F Motti-Stefanidi, JB Asendorpf
Journal of personality and social psychology 110 (6), 908, 2016
Acculturation and adaptation of immigrant adolescents in Greek urban schools
F Motti‐Stefanidi, V Pavlopoulos, J Obradović, AS Masten
International Journal of Psychology 43 (1), 45-58, 2008
The adaptation and well-being of adolescent immigrants in Greek schools: A multilevel, longitudinal study of risks and resources
F Motti-Stefanidi, JB Asendorpf, AS Masten
Development and psychopathology 24 (2), 451-473, 2012
MMORPG gaming and hostility predict Internet addiction symptoms in adolescents: An empirical multilevel longitudinal study
V Stavropoulos, DJ Kuss, MD Griffiths, P Wilson, F Motti-Stefanidi
Addictive behaviors 64, 294-300, 2017
Believing, bonding, behaving, and belonging: The cognitive, emotional, moral, and social dimensions of religiousness across cultures
V Saroglou, M Clobert, AB Cohen, KA Johnson, KL Ladd, ...
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 51 (7-8), 551-575, 2020
How shall we all live together?: Meta‐analytical review of the mutual intercultural relations in plural societies project
JW Berry, Z Lepshokova, MIRIPS Collaboration, D Grigoryev, RC Annis, ...
Applied Psychology 71 (3), 1014-1041, 2022
From infant affect expression to symbolic play: The coherence of development in Down syndrome children
F Motti, D Cicchetti, LA Sroufe
Child development, 1168-1175, 1983
Understanding and promoting resilience in children: Promotive and protective processes in schools
AS Masten, F Motti-Stefanidi
The handbook of school psychology, 721-738, 2009
Immigration as a risk factor for adolescent adaptation in Greek urban schools
F Motti-Stefanidi, V Pavlopoulos, J Obradović, M Dalla, N Takis, ...
European journal of developmental psychology 5 (2), 235-261, 2008
School engagement trajectories of immigrant youth: Risks and longitudinal interplay with academic success
F Motti-Stefanidi, A Masten, JB Asendorpf
International journal of behavioral development 39 (1), 32-42, 2015
A longitudinal study of adolescent internet addiction: The role of conscientiousness and classroom hostility
V Stavropoulos, D Kuss, M Griffiths, F Motti-Stefanidi
Journal of Adolescent Research 31 (4), 442-473, 2016
Mastering developmental transitions in immigrant adolescents: The longitudinal interplay of family functioning, developmental and acculturative tasks.
AK Reitz, F Motti-Stefanidi, JB Asendorpf
Developmental Psychology 50 (3), 754, 2014
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Articles 1–20