Shyamala Doraisamy
Cited by
Cited by
Multi-level basis selection of wavelet packet decomposition tree for heart sound classification
F Safara, S Doraisamy, A Azman, A Jantan, ARA Ramaiah
Computers in biology and medicine 43 (10), 1407-1414, 2013
Robust Polyphonic Music Retrieval with N-grams
S Doraisamy, S Rüger
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 21, 53-70, 2003
A Study on Feature Selection and Classification Techniques for Automatic Genre Classification of Traditional Malay Music.
S Doraisamy, S Golzari, N Mohd, MN Sulaiman, NI Udzir
ISMIR, 331-336, 2008
Wavelet packet entropy for heart murmurs classification
F Safara, S Doraisamy, A Azman, A Jantan, S Ranga
Advances in bioinformatics 2012 (1), 327269, 2012
Improvement of sentiment analysis based on clustering of Word2Vec features
EM Alshari, A Azman, S Doraisamy, N Mustapha, M Alkeshr
2017 28th international workshop on database and expert systems applications …, 2017
Sarcasm detection using deep learning with contextual features
MS Razali, AA Halin, L Ye, S Doraisamy, NM Norowi
IEEE Access 9, 68609-68618, 2021
Effective method for sentiment lexical dictionary enrichment based on Word2Vec for sentiment analysis
EM Alshari, A Azman, S Doraisamy, N Mustapha, M Alkeshr
2018 fourth international conference on information retrieval and knowledge …, 2018
Factors affecting automatic genre classification: an investigation incorporating non-western musical forms
NM Norowi, S Doraisamy, R Wirza
Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval …, 2005
Word sense disambiguation-based sentence similarity
C Ho, MAA Murad, RA Kadir, SC Doraisamy
Coling 2010: Posters, 418-426, 2010
An Approach Towards A Polyphonic Music Retrieval System.
S Doraisamy, SM Rüger
ISMIR, 2001
Texture classification and discrimination for region-based image retrieval
M Zand, S Doraisamy, AA Halin, MR Mustaffa
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 26, 305-316, 2015
Ontology-based semantic image segmentation using mixture models and multiple CRFs
M Zand, S Doraisamy, AA Halin, MR Mustaffa
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 25 (7), 3233-3248, 2016
Polyphonic music retrieval: The n-gram approach
S Doraisamy
University of London, 2004
A Polyphonic Music Retrieval System Using N-Grams.
S Doraisamy, SM Rüger
ISMIR, 2004
An integrated method of associative classification and neuro-fuzzy approach for effective mammographic classification
NF Abubacker, A Azman, S Doraisamy, MAA Murad
Neural Computing and Applications 28, 3967-3980, 2017
A Comparative and Fault-tolerance Study of the Use of N-grams with Polyphonic Music.
S Doraisamy, SM Rüger
ISMIR, 2002
An integrated semantic-based approach in concept based video retrieval
S Memar, LS Affendey, N Mustapha, SC Doraisamy, M Ektefa
Multimedia Tools and Applications 64, 77-95, 2013
Genre and mood classification using lyric features
TC Ying, S Doraisamy, LN Abdullah
2012 International Conference on Information Retrieval & Knowledge …, 2012
The importance of multimodality in sarcasm detection for sentiment analysis
MS Razali, AA Halin, NM Norowi, SC Doraisamy
2017 IEEE 15th Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD), 56-60, 2017
Frequency shifting approach towards textual transcription of heartbeat sounds
F Arvin, S Doraisamy, E Safar Khorasani
Biological procedures online 13, 1-7, 2011
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Articles 1–20