Vladimir Dobrosavljevic
Vladimir Dobrosavljevic
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Disorder-driven non-Fermi-liquid behavior in Kondo alloys
E Miranda, V Dobrosavljević, G Kotliar
Physical review letters 78 (2), 290, 1997
Scaling theory of two-dimensional metal-insulator transitions
V Dobrosavljević, E Abrahams, E Miranda, S Chakravarty
Physical review letters 79 (3), 455, 1997
Disorder-driven non-Fermi liquid behaviour of correlated electrons
E Miranda, V Dobrosavljević
Reports on Progress in Physics 68 (10), 2337, 2005
Mean field theory of the Mott-Anderson transition
V Dobrosavljević, G Kotliar
Physical review letters 78 (20), 3943, 1997
Kondo disorder: a possible route towards non-Fermi-liquid behaviour
E Miranda, V Dobrosavljevic, G Kotliar
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 8 (48), 9871, 1996
Conductor insulator quantum phase transitions
V Dobrosavljevic, N Trivedi, JM Valles Jr
Oxford University Press, USA, 2012
Typical medium theory of Anderson localization: A local order parameter approach to strong-disorder effects
V Dobrosavljević, AA Pastor, BK Nikolić
Europhysics Letters 62 (1), 76, 2003
Destruction of the Mott insulating ground state of Ca 2 RuO 4 by a structural transition
CS Alexander, G Cao, V Dobrosavljevic, S McCall, JE Crow, E Lochner, ...
Physical Review B 60 (12), R8422, 1999
Kondo effect in disordered systems
V Dobrosavljević, TR Kirkpatrick, BG Kotliar
Physical review letters 69 (7), 1113, 1992
Quantum critical transport near the Mott transition
H Terletska, J Vučičević, D Tanasković, V Dobrosavljević
Physical Review Letters 107 (2), 026401, 2011
Metal to Insulator Quantum-Phase Transition in Few-Layered ReS2
NR Pradhan, A McCreary, D Rhodes, Z Lu, S Feng, E Manousakis, ...
Nano letters 15 (12), 8377-8384, 2015
Melting of the electron glass
AA Pastor, V Dobrosavljević
Physical review letters 83 (22), 4642, 1999
Finite-temperature crossover and the quantum Widom line near the Mott transition
J Vučičević, H Terletska, D Tanasković, V Dobrosavljević
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (7), 075143, 2013
Coulomb correlations and the Wigner–Mott transition
A Camjayi, K Haule, V Dobrosavljević, G Kotliar
Nature Physics 4 (12), 932-935, 2008
Critical behavior at the Mott-Anderson transition: A typical-medium theory perspective
MCO Aguiar, V Dobrosavljević, E Abrahams, G Kotliar
Physical review letters 102 (15), 156402, 2009
Resolving the controversy: Mott mechanism dominates the insulator-to-metal transition
O Nájera, M Civelli, V Dobrosavljević, MJ Rozenberg
Physical Review B 95 (3), 035113, 2017
Mechanism of hopping transport in disordered Mott insulators
S Nakatsuji, V Dobrosavljević, D Tanasković, M Minakata, H Fukazawa, ...
Physical review letters 93 (14), 146401, 2004
Quantum spin liquids unveil the genuine Mott state
A Pustogow, M Bories, A Löhle, R Rösslhuber, E Zhukova, B Gorshunov, ...
Nature materials 17 (9), 773-777, 2018
Role of conformational disorder in the electronic structure of conjugated polymers: substituted polydiacetylenes
V Dobrosavljević, RM Stratt
Physical Review B 35 (6), 2781, 1987
Nonlinear screening theory of the Coulomb glass
S Pankov, V Dobrosavljević
Physical review letters 94 (4), 046402, 2005
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Articles 1–20