Richard P Collins
Cited by
Cited by
Characterisation of the physical composition and microbial community structure of biofilms within a model full-scale drinking water distribution system
KE Fish, R Collins, NH Green, RL Sharpe, I Douterelo, AM Osborn, ...
PLoS One 10 (2), e0115824, 2015
Experimental quantification of contaminant ingress into a buried leaking pipe during transient events
S Fox, W Shepherd, R Collins, J Boxall
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 142 (1), 04015036, 2016
Experimental investigation into vibro-acoustic emission signal processing techniques to quantify leak flow rate in plastic water distribution pipes
JD Butterfield, A Krynkin, RP Collins, SBM Beck
Applied Acoustics 119, 146-155, 2017
Realistic modeling of leakage and intrusion flows through leak openings in pipes
JE Van Zyl, AO Lambert, R Collins
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 143 (9), 04017030, 2017
How severe can transients be after a sudden depressurization?
RP CollIns, JBYB BoxAll, BW KARneY, B Brunone, S Meniconi
Journal‐American Water Works Association 104 (4), E243-E251, 2012
Modelling both the continual erosion and regeneration of discolouration material in drinking water distribution systems
WR Furnass, RP Collins, PS Husband, RL Sharpe, SR Mounce, JB Boxall
Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 14 (1), 81-90, 2014
Influence of ground conditions on intrusion flows through apertures in distribution pipes
R Collins, J Boxall
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 139 (10), 1052-1061, 2013
Occurrence of transients in water distribution networks
D Starczewska, R Collins, J Boxall
Procedia Engineering 119, 1473-1482, 2015
Experimental investigation into techniques to predict leak shapes in water distribution systems using vibration measurements
JD Butterfield, G Meyers, V Meruane, RP Collins, SBM Beck
Journal of Hydroinformatics 20 (4), 815-828, 2018
Physical investigation into the significance of ground conditions on dynamic leakage behaviour
S Fox, R Collins, J Boxall
Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology—AQUA 65 (2), 103-115, 2016
Prediction of leak flow rate in plastic water distribution pipes using vibro-acoustic measurements
JD Butterfield, V Meruane, RP Collins, G Meyers, SBM Beck
Structural Health Monitoring 17 (4), 959-970, 2018
Intrusion modelling and the effect of ground water conditions
R Collins, J Boxall, MC Besner, S Beck, B Karney
Water Distribution Systems Analysis 2010, 585-594, 2010
Experimental study exploring the interaction of structural and leakage dynamics
S Fox, R Collins, J Boxall
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 143 (2), 04016080, 2017
Non-destructive in-situ condition assessment of plastic pipe using ultrasound
J Zhu, RP Collins, JB Boxall, RS Mills, R Dwyer-Joyce
Procedia engineering 119, 148-157, 2015
Experimental proof of contaminant ingress into a leaking pipe during a transient event
S Fox, W Shepherd, R Collins, J Boxall
Procedia Engineering 70, 668-677, 2014
Transient behavior in complex distribution network: A case study
D Starczewska, R Collins, J Boxall
Procedia Engineering 70, 1582-1591, 2014
Robot mapping and localisation in metal water pipes using hydrophone induced vibration and map alignment by dynamic time warping
K Ma, MM Schirru, AH Zahraee, R Dwyer-Joyce, J Boxall, TJ Dodd, ...
2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2548-2553, 2017
Robot localization in water pipes using acoustic signals and pose graph optimization
R Worley, K Ma, G Sailor, MM Schirru, R Dwyer-Joyce, J Boxall, T Dodd, ...
Sensors 20 (19), 5584, 2020
PipeSLAM: Simultaneous localisation and mapping in feature sparse water pipes using the Rao-Blackwellised particle filter
K Ma, M Schirru, AH Zahraee, R Dwyer-Joyce, J Boxall, TJ Dodd, ...
2017 IEEE international conference on advanced intelligent mechatronics (AIM …, 2017
Influence of pipe material on the transmission of vibroacoustic leak signals in real complex water distribution systems: case study
JD Butterfield, RP Collins, SBM Beck
Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice 9 (3), 05018003, 2018
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Articles 1–20