James P. Cross
James P. Cross
School of Politics and International Relations, University College Dublin
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Exploring the political agenda of the european parliament using a dynamic topic modeling approach
D Greene, JP Cross
Political Analysis 25 (1), 77-94, 2017
A new dataset on decision-making in the European Union before and after the 2004 and 2007 enlargements (DEUII)
R Thomson, J Arregui, D Leuffen, R Costello, J Cross, R Hertz, T Jensen
Journal of European Public Policy 19 (4), 604-622, 2012
Everyone’sa winner (almost): Bargaining success in the Council of Ministers of the European Union
JP Cross
European Union Politics 14 (1), 70-94, 2013
Unveiling the political agenda of the european parliament plenary: a topical analysis
D Greene, JP Cross
Proceedings of the ACM web science conference, 1-10, 2015
Striking a pose: Transparency and position taking in the C ouncil of the E uropean U nion
JP Cross
European Journal of Political Research 52 (3), 291-315, 2013
Legislative amendments and informal politics in the European Union: A text reuse approach
JP Cross, H Hermansson
European Union Politics 18 (4), 581-602, 2017
Interventions and negotiation in the Council of Ministers of the European Union
JP Cross
European Union Politics 13 (1), 47-69, 2012
Talk is not cheap: Policy agendas, information processing, and the unusually proportional nature of European Central Bank communications policy responses
JP Cross, D Greene
Governance 33 (2), 425-444, 2020
Business interests, public interests, and experts in parliamentary committees: their impact on legislative amendments in the German Bundestag
JP Cross, R Eising, H Hermansson, F Spohr
West European Politics 44 (2), 354-377, 2021
The seen and the unseen in legislative politics: Explaining censorship in the Council of Ministers of the European Union
JP Cross
Journal of European Public Policy 21 (2), 268-285, 2014
Openness and censorship in the European Union: An interrupted time series analysis
JP Cross, J Bølstad
European Union Politics 16 (2), 216-240, 2015
Can we do what we say we will do? Issue salience, government effectiveness, and the legislative efficiency of Council Presidencies
JP Cross, A Vaznonytė
European Union Politics 21 (4), 657-679, 2020
Not all treaties are created equal: The effects of treaty changes on legislative efficiency in the EU
J Bølstad, JP Cross
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 54 (4), 793-808, 2016
Central banking in the 21st century-A crisis of accountability?
N Baerg, JP Cross
European Journal of Political Economy 74, 102294, 2022
Tracking amendments to legislation and other political texts with a novel minimum-edit-distance algorithm: DocuToads
H Hermansson, JP Cross
arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.06459, 2016
Dimensionality reduction and visualisation tools for voting record
I Brigadir, D Greene, JP Cross, P Cunningham
Greene, D., Mac Namee, B. and Ross, R.(eds.). Proceedings of the 24th Irish …, 2016
Tweeting Europe: A text-analytic approach to unveiling the content of political actors' Twitter activities in the European Parliament
JP Cross, D Greene, M Belford
Speaking in unison? Explaining the role of agenda-setter constellations in the ECB policy agenda using a network-based approach
JP Cross, D Greene, N Umansky, S Calò
Journal of European Public Policy 31 (11), 3676-3702, 2024
Transparency in the Council of the European Union has increased over the last decade, but only for the least controversial negotiations
JP Cross
LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog, 2013
Making EU decisions more visible to the public: how transparency in the Council has developed since 2001
J Bølstad, JP Cross
LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog, 2015
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Articles 1–20