Olivia Rata Burge
Olivia Rata Burge
Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research
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Root traits explain plant species distributions along climatic gradients yet challenge the nature of ecological trade-offs
DC Laughlin, L Mommer, FM Sabatini, H Bruelheide, TW Kuyper, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 5 (8), 1123-1134, 2021
National scale 3D mapping of soil pH using a data augmentation approach
P Roudier, OR Burge, SJ Richardson, JK McCarthy, GJ Grealish, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (18), 2872, 2020
The forgotten fauna: Native vertebrate seed predators on islands
JK Carpenter, JM Wilmshurst, KR McConkey, JP Hume, DM Wotton, ...
Functional Ecology, 2020
Palynology and the ecology of the New Zealand conifers
MS McGlone, SJ Richardson, OR Burge, GLW Perry, JM Wilmshurst
Frontiers in Earth Science 5, 94, 2017
Endemic trees in a tropical biodiversity hotspot imperilled by an invasive tree
PJ Bellingham, EVJ Tanner, PH Martin, JR Healey, OR Burge
Biological Conservation 217, 47-53, 2018
Effects of agricultural and urban land cover on New Zealand’s estuarine water quality
BD Dudley, O R. Burge, D Plew, J Zeldis
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 1-21, 2020
Plant pathogen responses to Late Pleistocene and Holocene climate change in the central Atacama Desert, Chile
JR Wood, FP Díaz, C Latorre, JM Wilmshurst, OR Burge, RA Gutiérrez
Scientific reports 8 (1), 17208, 2018
Interspecies interference and monitoring duration affect detection rates in chew cards
OR Burge, D Kelly, JM Wilmshurst
Austral Ecology 42 (5), 522-532, 2017
The effects of single aerial 1080 possum-control operations on common forest birds in the South Island, New Zealand
J Van Vianen, OR Burge, AT MacFarlane, D Kelly
New Zealand Journal of Ecology 42 (2), 169-178, 2018
Assessing the habitat and functional connectivity around fenced ecosanctuaries in New Zealand
OR Burge, JG Innes, N Fitzgerald, J Guo, TR Etherington, SJ Richardson
Biological Conservation 253, 108896, 2021
Glyphosate redirects wetland vegetation trajectory following willow invasion
OR Burge, KA Bodmin, BR Clarkson, S Bartlam, CH Watts, CC Tanner
Applied Vegetation Science 20 (4), 620-630, 2017
New Zealand Coastal Water Quality Assessment
B Dudley, J Zeldis, O Burge
Prepared for the Ministry for the Environment by the National Institute of …, 2017
Integrating across knowledge systems to drive action on chronic biological invasions
NWH Mason, O Burge, R Price, R Sprague, J Dymond, M Watt, T Roberts, ...
Biological Invasions 23, 407-432, 2021
Ancient parasite DNA from late Quaternary Atacama Desert rodent middens
JR Wood, FP Díaz, C Latorre, JM Wilmshurst, OR Burge, F González, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 226, 106031, 2019
Invasion landscapes as social-ecological systems: Role of social factors in invasive plant species control
J Yletyinen, GLW Perry, OR Burge, NWH Mason, P Stahlmann-Brown
People and Nature, 2021
Quantifying the Importance of Soil Forming Factors Using Multivariate Soil Data at Landscape Scale
A Eger, N Koele, T Caspari, M Poggio, K Kumar, OR Burge
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, e2021JF006198, 2021
The New Zealand Estuary Trophic Index (ETI) tools: Tool 1-determining eutrophication susceptibility using physical and nutrient load data: Ministry of Business
J Zeldis, D Plew, A Whitehead, A Madarasz-Smith, M Oliver, L Stevens, ...
Innovation and Employment Envirolink Tools: C01X1420, 2017
Habitat availability for native New Zealand bird species within the Cape-To-City footprint: A preliminary assessment
OR Burge, J Innes, N Fitzgerald, SJ Richardson
Landcare Research. Retrieved February 6, 2020, 2017
A guide to assess distance from ecological baselines and change over time in palaeoecological records
OR Burge, SJ Richardson, JR Wood, JM Wilmshurst
The Holocene 33 (8), 905-917, 2023
LiDAR reveals drainage risks to wetlands have been under-estimated
OR Burge, R Price, JM Wilmshurst, JM Blyth, HA Robertson
New Zealand Journal of Ecology 47 (1), 3523, 2023
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