Szymon Sniegula
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Cited by
Differentiation in developmental rate across geographic regions: a photoperiod driven latitude compensating mechanism?
S Śniegula, F Johansson, V Nilsson-Örtman
Oikos 121, 1073–1082, 2012
Photoperiod affects compensating developmental rate across latitudes in the damselfly Lestes sponsa
Ecological Entomology 35 (2), 149-157, 2010
Seasonal time constraints reduce genetic variation in life‐history traits along a latitudinal gradient
S Sniegula, MJ Golab, SM Drobniak, F Johansson
Journal of Animal Ecology 85 (1), 187-198, 2016
A large‐scale latitudinal pattern of life‐history traits in a strictly univoltine damselfly
S Sniegula, MJ Golab, F Johansson
Ecological Entomology 41 (4), 459-472, 2016
Integrating multiple stressors across life stages and latitudes: Combined and delayed effects of an egg heat wave and larval pesticide exposure in a damselfly
S Sniegula, L Janssens, R Stoks
Aquatic Toxicology 186, 113-122, 2017
Photoperiod and variation in life history traits in core and peripheral populations in the damselfly Lestes sponsa
S Śniegula, SM Drobniak, MJ Gołąb, F Johansson
Ecological Entomology 39 (2), 137-148, 2014
Size‐mediated priority and temperature effects on intra‐cohort competition and cannibalism in a damselfly
S Sniegula, MJ Golab, F Johansson
Journal of Animal Ecology 88 (4), 637-648, 2019
Time constraint effects on phenology and life history synchrony in a damselfly along a latitudinal gradient
S Śniegula, MJ Gołąb, F Johansson
Oikos 125 (3), 414-423, 2016
Growth pattern responses to photoperiod across latitudes in a northern damselfly
S Śniegula, V Nilsson-Örtman, F Johansson
Public Library of Science 7 (9), e46024, 2012
Natural selection mediated by seasonal time constraints increases the alignment between evolvability and developmental plasticity
F Johansson, PC Watts, S Sniegula, D Berger
Evolution 75 (2), 464-475, 2021
Cannibalism and activity rate in larval damselflies increase along a latitudinal gradient as a consequence of time constraints
S Sniegula, MJ Golab, F Johansson
BMC Evolutionary Biology 17, 1-9, 2017
Emergence patterns and latitudinal adaptations in development time of Odonata in north Sweden and Poland
F Johansson, S Śniegula, T Brodin
Odonatologica 39 (2), 97-106, 2010
The genetic variance but not the genetic covariance of life‐history traits changes towards the north in a time‐constrained insect
S Sniegula, MJ Golab, SM Drobniak, F Johansson
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31 (6), 853-865, 2018
Where do floaters settle? An experimental approach in odonates
MJ Gołąb, S Śniegula, SM Drobniak, T Zając, MA Serrano-Meneses
Animal Behaviour 86 (5), 1069-1075, 2013
Size‐mediated priority effects are trait‐dependent and consistent across latitudes in a damselfly
M Raczyński, R Stoks, F Johansson, S Sniegula
Oikos 130 (9), 1535-1547, 2021
Latitudinal and age-specific patterns of larval mortality in the damselfly Lestes sponsa: Senescence before maturity?
MJ Dańko, A Dańko, MJ Golab, R Stoks, S Sniegula
Experimental Gerontology 95, 107-115, 2017
Effects of predator cues carry over from egg and larval stage to adult life-history traits in a damselfly
S Sniegula, M Raczyński, MJ Golab, F Johansson
Freshwater Science 39 (4), 804-811, 2020
Predation risk affects egg mortality and carry over effects in the larval stages in damselflies
S Sniegula, JA Nsanzimana, F Johansson
Freshwater Biology 64 (4), 778-786, 2019
Latitude‐specific urbanization effects on life history traits in the damselfly Ischnura elegans
G Palomar, G Wos, R Stoks, S Sniegula
Evolutionary Applications 16 (8), 1503-1515, 2023
Body and wing size, but not wing shape, vary along a large-scale latitudinal gradient in a damselfly
D Outomuro, MJ Golab, F Johansson, S Sniegula
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 18642, 2021
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Articles 1–20