Mahmoud Abdelrahim
Mahmoud Abdelrahim
Associate Professor, Mechatronics Engineering, Assiut University, Egypt
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Cited by
Stabilization of nonlinear systems using event-triggered output feedback controllers
M Abdelrahim, R Postoyan, J Daafouz, D Nesic
arXiv preprint:1408.5738, 2014
Robust event-triggered output feedback controllers for nonlinear systems
M Abdelrahim, R Postoyan, J Daafouz, D Nešić
Automatica 75, 96-108, 2017
Event-triggered control of nonlinear singularly perturbed systems based only on the slow dynamics
M Abdelrahim, R Postoyan, J Daafouz
Automatica 52, 15-22, 2015
Co-design of output feedback laws and event-triggering conditions for theL2-stabilization of linear systems
M Abdelrahim, R Postoyan, J Daafouz, D Nešić, M Heemels
Automatica 87, 337-344, 2018
Event-triggered quantized control for input-to-state stabilization of linear systems with distributed output sensors
M Abdelrahim, VS Dolk, W Heemels
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 64 (12), 4952-4967, 2019
Co-design of output feedback laws and event-triggering conditions for linear systems
M Abdelrahim, R Postoyan, J Daafouz, D Nešić
53rd IEEE conference on decision and control, 3560-3565, 2014
Max-consensus in open multi-agent systems with gossip interactions
M Abdelrahim, JM Hendrickx, W Heemels
2017 IEEE 56th annual conference on decision and control (CDC), 4753-4758, 2017
Input-to-state stabilization of nonlinear systems using event-triggered output feedback controllers
M Abdelrahim, R Postoyan, J Daafouz, D Nešić
2015 European Control Conference (ECC), 2180-2185, 2015
Stabilization of nonlinear systems using event-triggered output feedback laws
M Abdelrahim, R Postoyan, J Daafouz, D Nesic
21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems …, 2014
Event-triggered consensus seeking under non-uniform time-varying delays
VS Dolk, M Abdelrahim, W Heemels
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 10096-10101, 2017
Input-to-state stabilizing event-triggered control for linear systems with output quantization
M Abdelrahim, VS Dolk, W Heemels
In Proceedings of the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las …, 2016
Event-triggered dynamic feedback controllers for nonlinear systems with asynchronous transmissions
M. Abdelrahim, R. Postoyan, J. Daafouz, D. Nešić
In Proceedings of the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 5494-5499, 2015
Event-triggered control of nonlinear singularly perturbed systems based only on the slow dynamics
M Abdelrahim, R Postoyan, J Daafouz
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (23), 347-352, 2013
Design of periodic event-triggered control for polynomial systems: A delay system approach
E Aranda-Escolástico, M Abdelrahim, M Guinaldo, S Dormido, ...
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 7887-7892, 2017
A robust fuzzy tracking control scheme for robotic manipulators with experimental verification
AB Sharkawy, MM Othman, AMA Khalil
Intelligent control and automation 2 (02), 100, 2011
Identification of Unknown Marine Debris by ROVs Using Deep Learning and Different Convolutional Neural Network Structures
M Assem, IM Hassab-Allah, MEH Eltaib, M Abdelrahim
JES. Journal of Engineering Sciences 52 (1), 36-51, 2024
Output feedback event-triggered control
M. Abdelrahim, R. Postoyan, J. Daafouz, D. Nešić
Delays in Networked Control Systems, 113-131, 2016
Output feedback event-triggered control
M Abdelrahim
Université de Lorraine, 2014
Grasping stability analysis of an underactuated three finger adaptive gripper on matlab sim-mechanics
NA Geies, M Abdelrahim, MEH ElTaib, HA Mohamed
2020 16th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO), 141-146, 2020
Asynchronous dynamic quantization for nonlinear systems with one-bit data transmission
D Almakhles, M Abdelrahim
Systems & Control Letters 181, 105630, 2023
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Articles 1–20