jean-pierre amigues
jean-pierre amigues
directeur de recherches INRA
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Cited by
The benefits and costs of riparian analysis habitat preservation: a willingness to accept/willingness to pay contingent valuation approach
JP Amigues, C Boulatoff, B Desaigues, C Gauthier, JE Keith
Ecological economics 43 (1), 17-31, 2002
Sécheresse et agriculture
JP Amigues, P Debaeke, B Itier, G Lemaire, B Seguin, F Tardieu, ...
Réduire la vulnérabilité de l'agriculture à un risque accru de manque d'eau …, 2006
On the optimal order of natural resource use when the capacity of the inexhaustible substitute is limited
JP Amigues, P Favard, G Gaudet, M Moreaux
Journal of Economic Theory 80 (1), 153-170, 1998
Equilibrium transitions from non-renewable energy to renewable energy under capacity constraints
JP Amigues, AA Le Kama, M Moreaux
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 55, 89-112, 2015
Valorisation des usages de l'eau
JP Amigues, P Point, P Le Goffe, F Bonnieux
Inra, 1995
Recycling under a material balance constraint
K Pittel, JP Amigues, T Kuhn
Resource and Energy Economics 32 (3), 379-394, 2010
L'évaluation contingente: controverses et perspectives
JP Amigues, B Desaigues, QH Vuong
Cahiers d'Economie et de Sociologie Rurales (CESR), 123-150, 1996
Competing land uses and fossil fuel, and optimal energy conversion rates during the transition toward a green economy under a pollution stock constraint
JP Amigues, M Moreaux
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 97, 92-115, 2019
Évaluer les services écologiques des milieux aquatiques: enjeux scientifiques, politiques et opérationnels
JP Amigues, B Chevassus-au-Louis
Onema, 2011
Optimal use of a polluting non-renewable resource generating both manageable and catastrophic damages
JP Amigues, M Moreaux, K Schubert
Annals of Economics and Statistics/Annales d'Économie et de Statistique, 107-141, 2011
Optimal timing of carbon capture policies under learning-by-doing
JP Amigues, G Lafforgue, M Moreaux
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 78, 20-37, 2016
Endogenous growth and recycling: a material balance approach
K Pittel, JP Amigues, T Kuhn
Economics Working Paper Series 5, 2005
Optimal timing of CCS policies with heterogeneous energy consumption sectors
JP Amigues, G Lafforgue, M Moreaux
Environmental and Resource Economics 57, 345-366, 2014
L'évaluation d'une politique de protection de la biodiversité des forëts riveraines de la Garonne
JP Amigues, B Desaigues
La mesure économique des bénéfices attachés aux hydrosystèmes, 19, 1999
Optimal timing of carbon capture policies under alternative CCS cost functions
JP Amigues, G Lafforgue, M Moreaux
Lerna working paper, 2012
Optimal endogenous sustainability with an exhaustible resource through dedicated R&D
JP Amigues, A Grimaud, M Moreaux
Les Cahiers du LERNA 4, 154, 2004
Évaluation des dommages dans le domaine de l’eau: contribution à la constitution d’une base de données françaises
JP Amigues, F Arnaud, F Bonnieux
INRA Rapport final, 38, 2003
Optimal capture and sequestration from the carbon emission flow and from the atmospheric carbon stock with heterogeneous energy consuming sectors
JP Amigues, G Lafforgue, M Moreaux
TSE Working Paper, 2010
The atmospheric carbon resilience problem: A theoretical analysis
JP Amigues, M Moreaux
Resource and Energy Economics 35 (4), 618-636, 2013
B. Desaigues, C. Gauthier, JE Keith, The benefits and costs of riparian analysis habitat preservation: a willingness to accept/willingness to pay contingent valuation approach
JP Amigues, C Boulatoff
Ecol. Econ 43, 17-31, 2002
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