Julia L Sharp
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Cited by
Geospatial analysis of land use change in the Savannah River Basin using Google Earth Engine
HA Zurqani, CJ Post, EA Mikhailova, MA Schlautman, JL Sharp
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 69 …, 2018
Clinical and genomic evaluation of 201 patients with Phelan–McDermid syndrome
SM Sarasua, L Boccuto, JL Sharp, A Dwivedi, CF Chen, JD Rollins, ...
Human genetics 133, 847-859, 2014
Factors impacting diverging paths of renewable energy: A review
ŞEC Şener, JL Sharp, A Anctil
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81, 2335-2342, 2018
A mixed methods sampling methodology for a multisite case study
JL Sharp, C Mobley, C Hammond, C Withington, S Drew, S Stringfield, ...
Journal of mixed methods research 6 (1), 34-54, 2012
Assessment of the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS): Intra-rater and inter-rater reliability
A Ergai, T Cohen, J Sharp, D Wiegmann, A Gramopadhye, S Shappell
Safety science 82, 393-398, 2016
Science with society: Evidence-based guidance for best practices in environmental transdisciplinary work
C Steger, JA Klein, RS Reid, S Lavorel, C Tucker, KA Hopping, ...
Global Environmental Change 68, 102240, 2021
Functional improvements in Parkinson’s disease following a randomized trial of yoga
M Van Puymbroeck, A Walter, BL Hawkins, JL Sharp, K Woschkolup, ...
Evidence‐Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2018 (1), 8516351, 2018
22q13. 2q13. 32 genomic regions associated with severity of speech delay, developmental delay, and physical features in Phelan–McDermid syndrome
SM Sarasua, A Dwivedi, L Boccuto, CF Chen, JL Sharp, JD Rollins, ...
Genetics in Medicine 16 (4), 318-328, 2014
Comparison of machine learning algorithms for predictive modeling of beef attributes using rapid evaporative ionization mass spectrometry (REIMS) data
DA Gredell, AR Schroeder, KE Belk, CD Broeckling, AL Heuberger, ...
Mass Spectrometry Imaging in Food Analysis, 181-194, 2020
Evaluation of an inexpensive sensor to measure soil color
R Stiglitz, E Mikhailova, C Post, M Schlautman, J Sharp
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 121, 141-148, 2016
Evaluation of a UAV-assisted autonomous water sampling
C Koparan, AB Koc, CV Privette, CB Sawyer, JL Sharp
Water 10 (5), 655, 2018
Factors influencing U.S. canine heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) prevalence
D Wang, DD Bowman, HE Brown, LC Harrington, PE Kaufman, T McKay, ...
Parasites & vectors 7, 1-18, 2014
Using an inexpensive color sensor for rapid assessment of soil organic carbon
R Stiglitz, E Mikhailova, C Post, M Schlautman, J Sharp
Geoderma 286, 98-103, 2017
An integrated WebGIS framework for volunteered geographic information and social media in soil and water conservation
JD Werts, EA Mikhailova, CJ Post, JL Sharp
Environmental management 49, 816-832, 2012
The influence of career-focused education on student career planning and development: A comparison of CTE and non-CTE students
C Mobley, JL Sharp, C Hammond, C Withington, N Stipanovic
Career and Technical Education Research 42 (1), 57-75, 2017
Soil color sensor data collection using a GPS-enabled smartphone application
R Stiglitz, E Mikhailova, C Post, M Schlautman, J Sharp, R Pargas, ...
Geoderma 296, 108-114, 2017
Genes with high penetrance for syndromic and non-syndromic autism typically function within the nucleus and regulate gene expression
EL Casanova, JL Sharp, H Chakraborty, NS Sumi, MF Casanova
Molecular autism 7, 1-17, 2016
Chefs' opinions about reducing the calorie content of menu items in restaurants
JE Obbagy, MD Condrasky, LS Roe, JL Sharp, BJ Rolls
Obesity 19 (2), 332-337, 2011
Yoga for people with chronic pain in a community-based setting: A feasibility and pilot RCT
AA Schmid, CA Fruhauf, JL Sharp, M Van Puymbroeck, MJ Bair, JD Portz
Journal of evidence-based integrative medicine 24, 2515690X19863763, 2019
Development of new measures to assess household nutrition security, and choice in dietary characteristics
EE Calloway, LR Carpenter, T Gargano, JL Sharp, AL Yaroch
Appetite 179, 106288, 2022
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Articles 1–20