Kerr Wall
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Cited by
The Genome of Black Cottonwood, Populus trichocarpa (Torr. & Gray)
GA Tuskan, S Difazio, S Jansson, J Bohlmann, I Grigoriev, U Hellsten, ...
science 313 (5793), 1596-1604, 2006
Polyploidy and angiosperm diversification
DE Soltis, VA Albert, J Leebens‐Mack, CD Bell, AH Paterson, C Zheng, ...
American journal of botany 96 (1), 336-348, 2009
The draft genome of the transgenic tropical fruit tree papaya (Carica papaya Linnaeus)
R Ming, S Hou, Y Feng, Q Yu, A Dionne-Laporte, JH Saw, P Senin, ...
Nature 452 (7190), 991-996, 2008
Widespread genome duplications throughout the history of flowering plants
L Cui, PK Wall, JH Leebens-Mack, BG Lindsay, DE Soltis, JJ Doyle, ...
Genome research 16 (6), 738-749, 2006
Expression Pattern Shifts Following Duplication Indicative of Subfunctionalization and Neofunctionalization in Regulatory Genes of Arabidopsis
JM Duarte, L Cui, PK Wall, Q Zhang, X Zhang, J Leebens-Mack, H Ma, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 23 (2), 469-478, 2006
Identification of shared single copy nuclear genes in Arabidopsis, Populus, Vitis and Oryzaand their phylogenetic utility across various taxonomic levels
JM Duarte, PK Wall, PP Edger, LL Landherr, H Ma, PK Pires, ...
BMC evolutionary biology 10, 1-18, 2010
Phylogeny and Domain Evolution in the APETALA2-like Gene Family
S Kim, PS Soltis, K Wall, DE Soltis
Molecular biology and evolution 23 (1), 107-120, 2006
Comparison of next generation sequencing technologies for transcriptome characterization
PK Wall, J Leebens-Mack, AS Chanderbali, A Barakat, E Wolcott, H Liang, ...
BMC genomics 10, 1-19, 2009
Conservation and divergence of microRNAs in Populus
A Barakat, PK Wall, S DiLoreto, CW Depamphilis, JE Carlson
BMC genomics 8, 1-16, 2007
Floral gene resources from basal angiosperms for comparative genomics research
VA Albert, DE Soltis, JE Carlson, WG Farmerie, PK Wall, DC Ilut, ...
BMC plant biology 5, 1-15, 2005
ChloroplastDB: the chloroplast genome database
L Cui, N Veeraraghavan, A Richter, K Wall, RK Jansen, J Leebens-Mack, ...
Nucleic acids research 34 (suppl_1), D692-D696, 2006
PlantTribes: a gene and gene family resource for comparative genomics in plants
PK Wall, J Leebens-Mack, KF Müller, D Field, NS Altman, ...
Nucleic acids research 36 (suppl_1), D970-D976, 2007
Evolution of plant MADS box transcription factors: evidence for shifts in selection associated with early angiosperm diversification and concerted gene duplications
H Shan, L Zahn, S Guindon, PK Wall, H Kong, H Ma, CW Depamphilis, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 26 (10), 2229-2244, 2009
Large‐scale identification of microRNAs from a basal eudicot (Eschscholzia californica) and conservation in flowering plants
A Barakat, K Wall, J Leebens‐Mack, YJ Wang, JE Carlson, ...
The Plant Journal 51 (6), 991-1003, 2007
EST clustering error evaluation and correction
JPZ Wang, BG Lindsay, J Leebens-Mack, L Cui, K Wall, WC Miller, ...
Bioinformatics 20 (17), 2973-2984, 2004
The impact of multiple protein sequence alignment on phylogenetic estimation
LS Wang, J Leebens-Mack, PK Wall, K Beckmann, CW DePamphilis, ...
IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics 8 (4 …, 2009
Conservation and canalization of gene expression during angiosperm diversification accompany the origin and evolution of the flower
AS Chanderbali, MJ Yoo, LM Zahn, SF Brockington, PK Wall, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (52), 22570-22575, 2010
Taking the first steps towards a standard for reporting on phylogenies: Minimum Information About a Phylogenetic Analysis (MIAPA)
J Leebens-Mack, T Vision, E Brenner, JE Bowers, S Cannon, MJ Clement, ...
Omics: a journal of integrative biology 10 (2), 231-237, 2006
The Amborellagenome: an evolutionary reference for plant biology
DE Soltis, VA Albert, J Leebens-Mack, JD Palmer, RA Wing, ...
Genome biology 9, 1-6, 2008
EST database for early flower development in California poppy (Eschscholzia californica Cham., Papaveraceae) tags over 6000 genes from a basal eudicot
JE Carlson, JH Leebens-Mack, PK Wall, LM Zahn, LA Mueller, ...
Plant molecular biology 62, 351-369, 2006
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Articles 1–20