Angelo Costa
Angelo Costa
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Cited by
Increased performance and better patient attendance in an hospital with the use of smart agendas
 Costa, P Novais, JM Corchado, J Neves
Logic Journal of IGPL 20 (4), 689-698, 2012
Sensor-driven agenda for intelligent home care of the elderly
 Costa, JC Castillo, P Novais, A Fernández-Caballero, R Simoes
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (15), 12192-12204, 2012
PHAROS—PHysical assistant RObot system
A Costa, E Martinez-Martin, M Cazorla, V Julian
Sensors 18 (8), 2633, 2018
A new emotional robot assistant that facilitates human interaction and persuasion
JA Rincon, A Costa, P Novais, V Julian, C Carrascosa
Knowledge and Information Systems 60, 363-383, 2019
Electric vehicles’ user charging behaviour simulator for a smart city
B Canizes, J Soares, A Costa, T Pinto, F Lezama, P Novais, Z Vale
Energies 12 (8), 1470, 2019
Emotions detection on an ambient intelligent system using wearable devices
A Costa, JA Rincon, C Carrascosa, V Julian, P Novais
Future Generation Computer Systems 92, 479-489, 2019
A caregiver support platform within the scope of an ambient assisted living ecosystem
A Costa, P Novais, R Simoes
Sensors 14 (3), 5654-5676, 2014
PHAROS 2.0—A PHysical assistant RObot system improved
E Martinez-Martin, A Costa, M Cazorla
Sensors 19 (20), 4531, 2019
Persuasion and Recommendation System Applied to a Cognitive Assistant. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal (ISSN: 2255-2863)
A Costa, S Heras, J Palanca, P Novais, V Julián
Salamanca 5 (2), 2016
Assistive technology for elderly care: an overview
E Martinez-Martin, A Costa
IEEE access 9, 92420-92430, 2021
Personal Assistants: Emerging Computational Technologies
A Costa, V Julian, P Novais
Springer, 2017
Using non-invasive wearables for detecting emotions with intelligent agents
JA Rincon, Â Costa, P Novais, V Julian, C Carrascosa
International Joint Conference SOCO’16-CISIS’16-ICEUTE’16: San Sebastián …, 2017
Advances and trends for the development of ambient‐assisted living platforms
A Costa, V Julián, P Novais
Expert Systems 34 (2), e12163, 2017
A survey of cognitive assistants
A Costa, P Novais, V Julian
Personal Assistants: Emerging Computational Technologies, 3-16, 2018
Argumentation schemes for events suggestion in an e-health platform
A Costa, S Heras, J Palanca, J Jordán, P Novais, V Julián
Persuasive Technology: Development and Implementation of Personalized …, 2017
A task recommendation system for children and youth with autism spectrum disorder
M Costa, A Costa, V Julián, P Novais
Ambient intelligence–software and applications–8th international symposium …, 2017
Orientation system for people with cognitive disabilities
J Ramos, R Anacleto, Â Costa, P Novais, L Figueiredo, A Almeida
Ambient Intelligence-Software and Applications: 3rd International Symposium …, 2012
A dynamic emotional model for agent societies
JA Rincon, A Costa, P Novais, V Julián, C Carrascosa
Advances in Practical Applications of Scalable Multi-agent Systems. The …, 2016
Memory support in ambient assisted living
R Costa, P Novais, Â Costa, J Neves
Leveraging Knowledge for Innovation in Collaborative Networks: 10th IFIP WG …, 2009
Introducing dynamism in emotional agent societies
JA Rincon, A Costa, G Villarrubia, V Julián, C Carrascosa
Neurocomputing 272, 27-39, 2018
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Articles 1–20