Alexandra Claudia Hess
Alexandra Claudia Hess
Senior Lecturer in Marketing
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Cited by
Adapting research methodology during COVID-19: lessons for transformative service research
S Dodds, AC Hess
Journal of service management 32 (2), 203-217, 2020
Pink or blue? The impact of gender cues on brand perceptions
AC Hess, V Melnyk
European Journal of Marketing 50 (9/10), 1550-1574, 2016
Effects of eHealth literacy on general practitioner consultations: a mediation analysis
PJ Schulz, MA Fitzpatrick, A Hess, L Sudbury-Riley, U Hartung
Journal of medical Internet research 19 (5), e166, 2017
The development of reputational capital–How social media influencers differ from traditional celebrities
AC Hess, S Dodds, N Rahman
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 21 (5), 1236-1252, 2022
A typology of patients based on decision-making styles: cross-sectional survey study
MA FitzPatrick, AC Hess, L Sudbury-Riley, PJ Schulz
Journal of medical Internet research 21 (11), e15332, 2019
Adapting research methodology during COVID-19: lessons for transformative service research. J Serv Manag
S Dodds, AC Hess
Melding traditional and progressive andragogy in marketing education, using the hermeneutic competency development strategy
R De Villiers, AC Hess
Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ) 26 (2), 140-156, 2018
Handle with care! Service contract termination as a service delivery task
H Wetzel, C Haenel, AC Hess
European Journal of Marketing 56 (12), 3169-3196, 2022
Online health information and patient decision making styles: A new segment of patient
L Sudbury-Riley, A Hess, M FitzPatrick, PJ Schulz
Electronic Health Literacy Among Baby Boomers: A Typology
L Sudbury-Riley, M FitzPatrick, PJ Schulz, A Hess
HLRP: Health Literacy Research and Practice 8 (1), e3-e11, 2024
The adoption journey of QCA as research method: A meta-analysis of a decade in marketing academic literature
R De Villiers, P Tipgomut, AC Hess
Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science 32 (2), 198-221, 2022
The magic cloak: Releasing the creative genie in your workplace
R De Villiers, A Hess
Journal of Organisational Creativity 1 (1), 5, 2019
Application of Stereotypes in Marketing: Gender Cues and Brand Perception
AC Hess
University of Waikato, 2013
Curbing Adolescents’ Risky ‘Drinking’Behavior with Authenticity
A Hess, S Dodds, D Jaud, C Garnier, O Gergaud
American Marketing Association, 2024
EXPRESS: Curbing Adolescents’ Risky ‘Drinking’Behavior with Authenticity
AC Hess, S Dodds, DA Jaud, C Garnier, O Gergaud
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 07439156241291476, 2024
How did New Zealanders decide to get vaccinated against COVID-19? Developing a novel comprehensive model of vaccination intention
D Rahmani, P Fletcher, AC Hess, S Croucher
Journal of Applied Communication Research 52 (5), 622-641, 2024
Keeping the gates closed: the effect of conflict management styles, anxiety, and technical skills on security noncompliance intention among smartphone users
D Rahmani, H Jafarzadeh, AC Hess
Behaviour & Information Technology, 1-21, 2024
Celebrity endorsement and parasocial relationships on social media
A Hess, S Dodds, N Rahman
Australasian Marketing Journal
R De Villiers, AC Hess
Consulting online health resources to co-create value: A typology of patient decision making styles
L Sudbury-Riley, M FitzPatrick, A Hess, PJ Peter J Schulz
Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (1), 13350, 2018
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Articles 1–20