Valerie Hoekstra
Valerie Hoekstra
Associate Professor of Political Science at Arizona State University
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Cited by
The Supreme Court and local public opinion
VJ Hoekstra
American Political Science Review 94 (1), 89-100, 2000
Public reaction to Supreme Court decisions
VJ Hoekstra
Cambridge University Press, 2003
Do political preferences change? A longitudinal study of US Supreme Court justices
L Epstein, V Hoekstra, JA Segal, HJ Spaeth
The Journal of Politics 60 (3), 801-818, 1998
The shepherding of local public opinion: The Supreme Court and Lamb's Chapel
VJ Hoekstra, JA Segal
The Journal of Politics 58 (4), 1079-1102, 1996
The Supreme Court and opinion change: An experimental study of the Court's ability to change opinion
VJ Hoekstra
American Politics Quarterly 23 (1), 109-129, 1995
Delaying justice: The Supreme Court’s decision to hear rearguments
V Hoekstra, T Johnson
Political Research Quarterly 56 (3), 351-360, 2003
Competing constraints: State court responses to Supreme Court decisions and legislation on wages and hours
V Hoekstra
Political Research Quarterly 58 (2), 317-328, 2005
Experimentation in political science: Historical trends and future directions
KM McGraw, V Hoekstra
Research in micropolitics 4, 3-29, 1994
Breaking the judicial glass ceiling: The appointment of women to high courts worldwide
MC Escobar-Lemmon, VJ Hoekstra, AJ Kang, MC Kittilson
The Journal of Politics 83 (2), 662-674, 2021
Increasing the Gender Diversity of High Courts: A Comparative View
V Hoekstra
Politics & Gender 6 (3), 474-484, 2010
Just the facts? Media coverage of female and male high court appointees in five democracies
MC Escobar-Lemmon, V Hoekstra, A Kang, MC Kittilson
Politics & Gender 12 (2), 254-274, 2016
Gender, high courts, and ideas about representation in Western Europe
V Hoekstra, MC Kittilson, EA Bond, MC Escobar-Lemmon, ...
Representation: The case of women, 103-17, 2014
Diverse and inclusive high courts: a global and intersectional perspective
AJ Kang, MC Kittilson, V Hoekstra, MC Escobar-Lemmon
Politics, Groups, and Identities 8 (4), 812-821, 2020
Judging nominees: an experimental test of the impact of qualifications and divisiveness on public support for nominees to the federal courts
V Hoekstra, N LaRowe
Justice System Journal 34 (1), 38-61, 2013
Jeffrey A
L Epstein, V Hoekstra
Segal, 2000
Reimagining the Judiciary: Women's Representation on High Courts Worldwide
MC Escobar-Lemmon, VJ Hoekstra, AJ Kang, MC Kittilson
Oxford University Press, 2022
On and off the Supreme Court beat: differences in newspaper coverage of the Supreme Court and the implications for public support
N LaRowe, V Hoekstra
Covering the United States Supreme Court in the digital age, 126-152, 2014
The pendulum of precedent: US state legislative response to Supreme Court decisions on minimum wage legislation for women
V Hoekstra
State Politics & Policy Quarterly 9 (3), 257-283, 2009
The US Supreme Court and Local Public Opinion
VJ Hoekstra
Cambridge University Press, 2003
Appointing women to high courts
MC Escobar-Lemmon, V Hoekstra, AJ Kang, MC Kittilson
Research Handbook on Law and Courts, 200-212, 2019
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Articles 1–20