Alan S. Willsky
Alan S. Willsky
Professor of EECS, MIT
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Signals & systems
AV Oppenheim, AS Willsky, SH Nawab
Pearson Educación, 1997
A survey of design methods for failure detection in dynamic systems
AS Willsky
Automatica 12 (6), 601-611, 1976
A sparse signal reconstruction perspective for source localization with sensor arrays
D Malioutov, M Cetin, AS Willsky
IEEE transactions on signal processing 53 (8), 3010-3022, 2005
Analytical redundancy and the design of robust failure detection systems
E Chow, A Willsky
IEEE Transactions on automatic control 29 (7), 603-614, 1984
The convex geometry of linear inverse problems
V Chandrasekaran, B Recht, PA Parrilo, AS Willsky
Foundations of Computational mathematics 12 (6), 805-849, 2012
Rank-sparsity incoherence for matrix decomposition
V Chandrasekaran, S Sanghavi, PA Parrilo, AS Willsky
SIAM Journal on Optimization 21 (2), 572-596, 2011
Curve evolution implementation of the Mumford-Shah functional for image segmentation, denoising, interpolation, and magnification
A Tsai, A Yezzi, AS Willsky
IEEE transactions on Image Processing 10 (8), 1169-1186, 2001
A generalized likelihood ratio approach to the detection and estimation of jumps in linear systems
A Willsky, H Jones
IEEE Transactions on Automatic control 21 (1), 108-112, 1976
A shape-based approach to the segmentation of medical imagery using level sets
A Tsai, A Yezzi, W Wells, C Tempany, D Tucker, A Fan, WE Grimson, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 22 (2), 137-154, 2003
Nonparametric belief propagation and facial appearance estimation
EB Sudderth, AT Ihler, WT Freeman, AS Willsky
MAP estimation via agreement on trees: message-passing and linear programming
MJ Wainwright, TS Jaakkola, AS Willsky
IEEE transactions on information theory 51 (11), 3697-3717, 2005
Nonparametric belief propagation for self-calibration in sensor networks
AT Ihler, JW Fisher III, RL Moses, AS Willsky
Proceedings of the 3rd international symposium on Information processing in …, 2004
Failure detection and identification
MA Massoumnia, GC Verghese, AS Willsky
IEEE transactions on automatic control 34 (3), 316-321, 1989
Latent variable graphical model selection via convex optimization
V Chandrasekaran, PA Parrilo, AS Willsky
2010 48th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2010
A new class of upper bounds on the log partition function
MJ Wainwright, TS Jaakkola, AS Willsky
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51 (7), 2313-2335, 2005
Optimally robust redundancy relations for failure detection in uncertain systems
XC Lou, AS Willsky, GC Verghese
Automatica 22 (3), 333-344, 1986
A sticky HDP-HMM with application to speaker diarization
EB Fox, EB Sudderth, MI Jordan, AS Willsky
The Annals of Applied Statistics, 1020-1056, 2011
Modeling and estimation of multiresolution stochastic processes
M Basseville, A Benveniste, KC Chou, SA Golden, R Nikoukhah, ...
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 38 (2), 766-784, 1992
Bayesian nonparametric hidden semi-Markov models
MJ Johnson, AS Willsky
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2013
The stochastic control of the F-8C aircraft using a multiple model adaptive control (MMAC) method--Part I: Equilibrium flight
M Athans, D Castanon, KP Dunn, C Greene, W Lee, N Sandell, A Willsky
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 22 (5), 768-780, 1977
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Articles 1–20