Vikram Goyal
Vikram Goyal
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Hate is the new infodemic: A topic-aware modeling of hate speech diffusion on twitter
S Masud, S Dutta, S Makkar, C Jain, V Goyal, A Das, T Chakraborty
2021 IEEE 37th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 504-515, 2021
UP-Hist tree: An efficient data structure for mining high utility patterns from transaction databases
S Dawar, V Goyal
Proceedings of the 19th international database engineering & applications …, 2015
Mining top-k high-utility itemsets from a data stream under sliding window model
S Dawar, V Sharma, V Goyal
Applied Intelligence 47, 1240-1255, 2017
See, hear, read: Leveraging multimodality with guided attention for abstractive text summarization
YK Atri, S Pramanick, V Goyal, T Chakraborty
Knowledge-Based Systems 227, 107152, 2021
A hybrid framework for mining high-utility itemsets in a sparse transaction database
S Dawar, V Goyal, D Bera
Applied intelligence 47, 809-827, 2017
Efficient skyline itemsets mining
V Goyal, A Sureka, D Patel
Proceedings of the eighth international C* conference on Computer Science …, 2015
Open source social media analytics for intelligence and security informatics applications
S Agarwal, A Sureka, V Goyal
Big Data Analytics: 4th International Conference, BDA 2015, Hyderabad, India …, 2015
EcoTop: An Economic Model for Dynamic Processing of Top-k Queries in Mobile-P2P Networks
N Padhariya, A Mondal, V Goyal, R Shankar, SK Madria
Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 16th International Conference …, 2011
Generating domain-specific ontology from common-sense semantic network for target specific sentiment analysis
A Sureka, V Goyal, D Correa, A Mondal
Proceedings of the fifth international conference of the Global WordNet …, 2010
High utility rare itemset mining over transaction databases
V Goyal, S Dawar, A Sureka
Databases in Networked Information Systems: 10th International Workshop …, 2015
Top-k high utility episode mining from a complex event sequence
S Rathore, S Dawar, V Goyal, D Patel
Proceedings of the 21st international conference on management of data …, 2016
DiffQue: Estimating relative difficulty of questions in community question answering services
D Thukral, A Pandey, R Gupta, V Goyal, T Chakraborty
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 10 (4), 1-27, 2019
Modeling location obfuscation for continuous query
AS Saxena, D Bera, V Goyal
Journal of information security and applications 44, 130-143, 2019
Tide: Template-independent discourse data extraction
J Barua, D Patel, V Goyal
Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery: 17th International Conference …, 2015
An efficient algorithm for mining high-utility itemsets with discount notion
R Bansal, S Dawar, V Goyal
Big Data Analytics: 4th International Conference, BDA 2015, Hyderabad, India …, 2015
Polarity classification of subjective words using common-sense knowledge-base
A Sureka, V Goyal, D Correa, A Mondal
Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing: 12th …, 2009
Efficiently mining colocation patterns for range query
S Baride, AS Saxena, V Goyal
Big Data Research 31, 100369, 2023
High-utility and diverse itemset mining
A Verma, S Dawar, R Kumar, S Navathe, V Goyal
Applied Intelligence 51, 4649-4663, 2021
A more efficient algorithm to mine skyline frequent-utility patterns
JCW Lin, L Yang, P Fournier-Viger, S Dawar, V Goyal, A Sureka, B Vo
Genetic and Evolutionary Computing: Proceedings of the Tenth International …, 2017
Mining frequent spatial-textual sequence patterns
KK Arya, V Goyal, SB Navathe, S Prasad
Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 20th International Conference …, 2015
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Articles 1–20