Towards an integrated framework for assessing the vulnerability of species to climate change SE Williams, LP Shoo, JL Isaac, AA Hoffmann, G Langham PLoS biology 6 (12), e325, 2008 | 1423 | 2008 |
Selecting pseudo-absence data for presence-only distribution modeling: how far should you stray from what you know? J VanDerWal, LP Shoo, C Graham, SE Williams ecological modelling 220 (4), 589-594, 2009 | 999 | 2009 |
Abundance and the environmental niche: environmental suitability estimated from niche models predicts the upper limit of local abundance J VanDerWal, LP Shoo, CN Johnson, SE Williams The American Naturalist 174 (2), 282-291, 2009 | 505 | 2009 |
Quantifying the benefit of early climate change mitigation in avoiding biodiversity loss R Warren, J VanDerWal, J Price, JA Welbergen, I Atkinson, ... Nature Climate Change 3, 678-682, 2013 | 492 | 2013 |
Global warming, elevational ranges and the vulnerability of tropical biota WF Laurance, DC Useche, LP Shoo, SK Herzog, M Kessler, F Escobar, ... Biological Conservation 144 (1), 548-557, 2011 | 303 | 2011 |
Integrating plant‐and animal‐based perspectives for more effective restoration of biodiversity C McAlpine, CP Catterall, RM Nally, D Lindenmayer, JL Reid, KD Holl, ... Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14 (1), 37-45, 2016 | 195 | 2016 |
Detecting climate change induced range shifts: Where and how should we be looking? LP Shoo, SE Williams, J HERO Austral Ecology 31 (1), 22-29, 2006 | 189 | 2006 |
Engineering a future for amphibians under climate change LP Shoo, DH Olson, SK McMenamin, KA Murray, M Van Sluys, ... Journal of Applied Ecology 48 (2), 487-492, 2011 | 181 | 2011 |
A meta-analytical global comparison of aboveground biomass accumulation between tropical secondary forests and monoculture plantations MTL Bonner, S Schmidt, LP Shoo Forest Ecology and Management 291, 73-86, 2013 | 162 | 2013 |
Climate warming and the rainforest birds of the Australian Wet Tropics: Using abundance data as a sensitive predictor of change in total population size LP Shoo, SE Williams, JM Hero Biological Conservation 125 (3), 335-343, 2005 | 160 | 2005 |
Slow recovery of tropical old‐field rainforest regrowth and the value and limitations of active restoration LP Shoo, K Freebody, J Kanowski, CP Catterall Conservation Biology 30 (1), 121-132, 2016 | 142 | 2016 |
Ecological specialization and population size in a biodiversity hotspot: how rare species avoid extinction SE Williams, YM Williams, J VanDerWal, JL Isaac, LP Shoo, CN Johnson Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (Supplement 2), 19737-19741, 2009 | 133 | 2009 |
New approaches to understanding late Quaternary climate fluctuations and refugial dynamics in Australian wet tropical rain forests J VanDerWal, LP Shoo, SE Williams Journal of Biogeography 36 (2), 291-301, 2009 | 133 | 2009 |
Evidence of constrained phenotypic evolution in a cryptic species complex of agamid lizards KL Smith, LJ Harmon, LP Shoo, J Melville Evolution 65 (4), 976-992, 2011 | 125 | 2011 |
Making decisions to conserve species under climate change LP Shoo, AA Hoffmann, S Garnett, RL Pressey, YM Williams, M Taylor, ... Climatic Change 119 (2), 239-246, 2013 | 121 | 2013 |
Thermal buffering of microhabitats is a critical factor mediating warming vulnerability of frogs in the Philippine biodiversity hotspot BR Scheffers, RM Brunner, SD Ramirez, LP Shoo, A Diesmos, ... Biotropica 45 (5), 628-635, 2013 | 103 | 2013 |
Targeted protection and restoration to conserve tropical biodiversity in a warming world LP Shoo, C Storlie, J VanDerWal, J Little, SE Williams Global Change Biology 17 (1), 186-193, 2011 | 99 | 2011 |
Stimulating natural regeneration of tropical forest on degraded land: approaches, outcomes, and information gaps LP Shoo, CP Catterall Restoration ecology 21 (6), 670-677, 2013 | 93 | 2013 |
Patterns of rain forest plant endemism in subtropical Australia relate to stable mesic refugia and species dispersal limitations LC Weber, J VanDerWal, S Schmidt, WJF McDonald, LP Shoo Journal of Biogeography 41 (2), 222-238, 2014 | 86 | 2014 |
Overview of the conservation status of Australian frogs JM Hero, C Morrison, G Gillespie, JD Roberts, D Newell, E Meyer, ... Pacific Conservation Biology 12 (4), 313-320, 2006 | 86 | 2006 |