Otto Visser
Cited by
Cited by
Murphy loves potatoes: Experiences from a pilot sensor network deployment in precision agriculture
K Langendoen, A Baggio, O Visser
Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2006. IPDPS 2006. 20th …, 2006
Simulating wireless and mobile networks in OMNeT++ the MiXiM vision
A Köpke, M Swigulski, K Wessel, D Willkomm, PT Haneveld, TEV Parker, ...
Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Simulation tools and …, 2008
PowerBench: A scalable testbed infrastructure for benchmarking power consumption
I Haratcherev, G Halkes, T Parker, O Visser, K Langendoen
Int. Workshop on Sensor Network Engineering (IWSNE), 37-44, 2008
Lifenet: an ad-hoc sensor network and wearable system to provide firefighters with navigation support
M Klann, T Riedel, H Gellersen, C Fischer, M Oppenheim, P Lukowicz, ...
Proceedings of Ubicomp 2007, 2007
An analysis of online match-based games
Y Guo, S Shen, O Visser, A Iosup
2012 IEEE International Workshop on Haptic Audio Visual Environments and …, 2012
Standardization of catheter load speed during embryo transfer: comparison of manual and pump-regulated embryo transfer
E Groeneveld, B de Leeuw, CG Vergouw, OW Visser, MJ Lambers, ...
Reproductive BioMedicine Online 24 (2), 163-169, 2012
Towards comparable simulations of cooperating objects and wireless sensor networks
T Voigt, J Eriksson, F Österlind, R Sauter, N Aschenbruck, P Marron, ...
1st International Workshop on Performance Methodologies and Tools for …, 2009
Localisation in large-scale outdoor wireless sensor networks
OW Visser
august 24th, 16-18, 2005
A mirroring architecture for sophisticated mobile games using computation‐offloading
MH Jiang, OW Visser, I Prasetya, A Iosup
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 30 (17), e4494, 2018
Mirror: A computation-offloading framework for sophisticated mobile games
MH Jiang, OW Visser, I Prasetya, A Iosup
2017 IEEE 18th International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and …, 2017
Rtsenv: An experimental environment for real-time strategy games on multi-clusters
S Shen, O Visser, A Iosup
TU Delft, Tech. Rep. PDS-2011-002, June 2011.[Online]. Available: http://www …, 2011
Building blocks for MPEG stream processing
S Wong, J Kester, M Konstapel, R Serra, O Visser
Proc. 13th Annu. Workshop on Circuits, Systems Signal Processing, 2002
Factors affecting cloud infra-service development lead times: a case study at ING
H Huijgens, E Greuter, J Brons, EA van Doorn, I Papadopoulos, ...
2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2019
Post-processing in wireless sensor networks: benchmarking sensor trace files
MC Bor, I Chatzigiannakis, SO Dulman, P Kikiras, E Theodoridis, ...
Proceedings of the 7th ACM workshop on Performance evaluation of wireless ad …, 2010
Hypofund: an online platform for personalised mortgage advice
H Bierlee, K Grashoff
Murphy Loves Potatoes
K Langendoen, A Baggio, O Visser
Murphy Loves Potatoes
O Visser, A Baggio, K Langendoen
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Articles 1–17