Paul J. Wahlbeck
Paul J. Wahlbeck
Professor of Political Science, George Washington University
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Crafting law on the Supreme Court: The collegial game
F Maltzman, JF Spriggs, PJ Wahlbeck
Cambridge University Press, 2000
Amicus curiae and the role of information at the Supreme Court
JF Spriggs, PJ Wahlbeck
Political Research Quarterly 50 (2), 365-386, 1997
Network analysis and the law: Measuring the legal importance of precedents at the US Supreme Court
JH Fowler, TR Johnson, JF Spriggs II, S Jeon, PJ Wahlbeck
Political Analysis 15 (3), 324-346, 2007
The influence of oral arguments on the US Supreme Court
TR Johnson, PJ Wahlbeck, JF Spriggs
American Political Science Review 100 (1), 99-113, 2006
May it please the chief? Opinion assignments in the Rehnquist Court
F Maltzman, PJ Wahlbeck
American Journal of Political Science, 421-443, 1996
Strategic policy considerations and voting fluidity on the Burger Court
F Maltzman, PJ Wahlbeck
American Political Science Review 90 (3), 581-592, 1996
Marshalling the court: bargaining and accommodation on the United States Supreme Court
PJ Wahlbeck, JF Spriggs, F Maltzman
American Journal of Political Science, 294-315, 1998
The life of the law: Judicial politics and legal change
PJ Wahlbeck
The Journal of Politics 59 (3), 778-802, 1997
Agenda control, the median justice, and the majority opinion on the US Supreme Court
CW Bonneau, TH Hammond, F Maltzman, PJ Wahlbeck
American Journal of Political Science 51 (4), 890-905, 2007
The politics of dissents and concurrences on the US Supreme Court
PJ Wahlbeck, JF Spriggs, F Maltzman
American Politics Quarterly 27 (4), 488-514, 1999
Citations in the US Supreme Court: An empirical study of their use and significance
FB Cross, JF Spriggs
U. Ill. L. Rev., 489, 2010
Passing and strategic voting on the US Supreme Court
TR Johnson, JF Spriggs, PJ Wahlbeck
Law & Society Review 39 (2), 349-377, 2005
Calling it quits: Strategic retirement on the Federal Courts of Appeals, 1893-1991
JF Spriggs, PJ Wahlbeck
Political Research Quarterly 48 (3), 573-597, 1995
Bargaining on the US Supreme Court: Justices' responses to majority opinion drafts
JF Spriggs, F Maltzman, PJ Wahlbeck
The Journal of Politics 61 (2), 485-506, 1999
Vote choice and the preference for divided government: Lessons of 1992
L Sigelman, PJ Wahlbeck, EH Buell Jr
American Journal of Political Science, 879-894, 1997
Strategy and constraints on Supreme Court opinion assignment
PJ Wahlbeck
University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 1729-1755, 2006
Strategy and judicial choice: new institutionalist approaches to supreme court decision-making
F Maltzman, J Spriggs, P Wahlbeck
Supreme court decision-making: New institutionalist approaches, 43-63, 1999
A conditional model of opinion assignment on the Supreme Court
F Maltzman, PJ Wahlbeck
Political Research Quarterly 57 (4), 551-563, 2004
The development of a legal rule: The federal common law of public nuisance
PJ Wahlbeck
Law & Society Review 32 (3), 613-638, 1998
Ghostwriters on the Court? A stylistic analysis of US Supreme Court opinion drafts
PJ Wahlbeck, JF Spriggs, L Sigelman
American Politics Research 30 (2), 166-192, 2002
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