Teachers' Perspectives on Professional Development in the Use of SCL Approaches and ICT: A Quantitative Case Study of Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique. XJ Muianga, SM Barbutiu, H Hansson, IV Mutimucuio International Journal of Education and Development using Information and …, 2019 | 33 | 2019 |
Digital kompetens i lärarutbildningen: ett integrationsperspektiv. A Käck, S Männikkö Barbutiu Studentlitteratur AB, 2012 | 26 | 2012 |
Design ethics in practice-points of departure S Lindberg, P Karlström, S Männikkö Barbutiu Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 5 (CSCW1), 1-19, 2021 | 18 | 2021 |
Empowerment through women entrepreneurship: A case from the beauty salon sector in sri lanka T De Silva, S Männikkö Barbutiu, K Wakanuma, G S Dhameeth Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education 2021 (1-2)), 121-146, 2021 | 18 | 2021 |
Barriers in the adoption of e-commerce in Pakistan with the focus on Gender ES Agren, SM Barbutiu International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 7 (1), 23-31, 2018 | 18 | 2018 |
Cultivating Ethics–A perspective from practice S Lindberg, P Karlström, S Männikkö Barbutiu Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction …, 2020 | 11 | 2020 |
Memorable Encounters: Learning Narratives From Preservice Teachers´ Practicum S Männikkö-Barbutiu, D Rorrison, L Zeng A practicum turn in teacher education, 45-66, 2011 | 11 | 2011 |
Developing teaching in technology–from isolation to cooperation S Männikkö-Barbutiu Positioning technology education in the curriculum, 101-117, 2011 | 10 | 2011 |
Bridging a gap: in search of an analytical tool capturing teachers’ perceptions of their own teaching L Rolandsson, IB Skogh, S Männikkö Barbutiu International journal of technology and design education 27, 445-458, 2017 | 9 | 2017 |
Re-designing a regulatory scale for dynamic assessment in the synchronous text chat environment in collaboration with teachers WA Piyumi Udeshinee, O Knutsson, SM Barbutiu, C Jayathilake Computer Assisted Language Learning 37 (7), 1527-1553, 2024 | 8 | 2024 |
Migrant teachers’ self-estimated digital competence: A study within Swedish teacher education A Käck, SM Barbutiu, U Fors Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education 19 (2), 256-278, 2019 | 8 | 2019 |
Senior cyborgs: about appropriation of personal computers among some Swedish elderly people S Männikkö-Barbutiu Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, 2002 | 8 | 2002 |
Unfamiliar ways of thinking and practising in teacher education: experiences by migrant teachers A Käck, S Männikkö Barbutiu, U Fors Proceedings of the 42nd ATEE annual conference, 219-235, 2017 | 7 | 2017 |
Bridging the digital divide in Sri Lankan tea estate areas R Peiris, P Mozelius, S Männikkö-Barbutiu, T Westin Proceedings of IFIP 9, 773-784, 2015 | 7 | 2015 |
About the challenges in undergraduate research projects: An explorative case study in a Sri Lankan national university CR Peiris, SM Barbutiu, H Hansson International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 17 (2 …, 2018 | 6 | 2018 |
Intercultural blended design considerations: A case study of a nordic-baltic course in autism intervention A Käck, L Roll-Pettersson, SS Alai-Rosales, K Høium, ... The European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, 2014 | 6 | 2014 |
E-participation for increased citizen engagement? a case from Uganda M Nilsson, SM Barbutiu JeDEM-eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government 11 (1), 14-36, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |
Migrant teachers' experiences with the use of digital technology and media during their placement period in Swedish schools A Käck, S Männikkö Barbutiu, U Fors Proceedings of the ATEE winter conference: Technology and Innovative …, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |
Vad är digital kompetens? A Käck, S Männikkö-Barbutiu Studentlitteratur, 2012 | 5 | 2012 |
Lärandemötens praktik: om lärande och lärandepraktiker hos lärarstudenter S Männikkö-Barbutiu, ER Fåhraeus, B Sjögrund Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm, 2006 | 5 | 2006 |