Sjirk Geerts
Cited by
Cited by
A framework for engaging stakeholders on the management of alien species
A Novoa, R Shackleton, S Canavan, C Cybele, SJ Davies, ...
Journal of environmental management 205, 286-297, 2018
Different traits determine introduction, naturalization and invasion success in woody plants: Proteaceae as a test case
D Moodley, S Geerts, DM Richardson, JRU Wilson
Plos one 8 (9), e75078, 2013
Hyper-specialization for long-billed bird pollination in a guild of South African plants: the Malachite Sunbird pollination syndrome
S Geerts, A Pauw
South African Journal of Botany 75 (4), 699-706, 2009
African sunbirds hover to pollinate an invasive hummingbird‐pollinated plant
S Geerts, A Pauw
Oikos 118 (4), 573-579, 2009
Pollination ecology of the invasive tree tobacco Nicotiana glauca: comparisons across native and non-native ranges
J Ollerton, S Watts, S Connerty, J Lock, L Parker, I Wilson, S Schueller, ...
Journal of Pollination Ecology 9, 2012
Eucalyptus camaldulensis in South Africa – past, present, future
H Hirsch, MH Allsopp, S Canavan, M Cheek, S Geerts, CJ Geldenhuys, ...
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 75 (1), 1-22, 2020
Easy technique for assessing pollination rates in the genus Erica reveals road impact on bird pollination in the Cape fynbos, South Africa
S Geerts, A Pauw
Austral Ecology 36 (6), 656-662, 2011
Biological invasions and ecological restoration in South Africa
PM Holmes, KJ Esler, M Gaertner, S Geerts, SA Hall, MM Nsikani, ...
Biological Invasions in South Africa, 665-700, 2020
Biotic interactions as mediators of biological invasions: insights from South Africa
JJ Le Roux, S Clusella-Trullas, TM Mokotjomela, M Mairal, ...
Biological Invasions in South Africa 35, 387-427, 2020
The absence of fire can cause a lag phase: The invasion dynamics of Banksia ericifolia (Proteaceae)
S Geerts, D Moodley, M Gaertner, JJ Le Roux, MA McGeoch, C Muofhe, ...
Austral Ecology 38 (8), 931-941, 2013
Reduced flower visitation by nectar-feeding birds in response to fire in Cape fynbos vegetation, South Africa
S Geerts, SDT Malherbe, A Pauw
Journal of Ornithology 153, 297-301, 2012
The role of environmental factors in promoting and limiting biological invasions in South Africa
JR Wilson, LC Foxcroft, S Geerts, MT Hoffman, S MacFadyen, J Measey, ...
Biological Invasions in South Africa, 355-385, 2020
Montpellier broom (Genista monspessulana) and Spanish broom (Spartium junceum) in South Africa: An assessment of invasiveness and options for management
S Geerts, PW Botha, V Visser, DM Richardson, JRU Wilson
South African Journal of Botany 87, 134-145, 2013
The importance of pollinators and autonomous self‐fertilisation in the early stages of plant invasions: Banksia and Hakea (Proteaceae) as case studies
D Moodley, S Geerts, DM Richardson, JRU Wilson
Plant Biology 18 (1), 124-131, 2016
Invasive alien trees reduce bird species richness and abundance of mutualistic frugivores and nectarivores; a bird’s eye view on a conflict of interest species in riparian habitats
JR Mangachena, S Geerts
Ecological Research 32, 667-676, 2017
Secondary invasion and weedy native species dominance after clearing invasive alien plants in South Africa: Status quo and prognosis
MM Nsikani, S Geerts, S Ruwanza, DM Richardson
South African Journal of Botany 132, 338-345, 2020
The cost of being specialized: pollinator limitation in the endangered geophyte Brunsvigia litoralis (Amaryllidaceae) in the Cape Floristic Region of South Africa
S Geerts, A Pauw
South African Journal of Botany 78, 159-164, 2012
Molecular systematics and ecology of invasive Kangaroo Paws in South Africa: management implications for a horticulturally important genus
JJ Le Roux, S Geerts, P Ivey, S Krauss, DM Richardson, J Suda, ...
Biological invasions 12, 3989-4002, 2010
Urban ecology: emerging patterns and social-ecological systems
P Verma, P Singh, R Singh, AS Raghubanshi
Elsevier, 2020
Pollination structures plant and nectar‐feeding bird communities in Cape fynbos, South Africa: Implications for the conservation of plant–bird mutualisms
S Geerts, A Coetzee, AG Rebelo, A Pauw
Ecological Research 35 (5), 838-856, 2020
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Articles 1–20