Evelien M. de Olde
Cited by
Cited by
Assessing sustainability at farm-level: Lessons learned from a comparison of tools in practice
EM De Olde, FW Oudshoorn, CAG Sørensen, EAM Bokkers, IJM De Boer
Ecological Indicators 66, 391-404, 2016
The battle for biomass: A systematic review of food-feed-fuel competition
A Muscat, EM de Olde, IJM de Boer, R Ripoll-Bosch
Global Food Security, 100330, 2019
Principles, drivers and opportunities of a circular bioeconomy
A Muscat, EM de Olde, R Ripoll-Bosch, HHE Van Zanten, TAP Metze, ...
Nature Food 2 (8), 561-566, 2021
When experts disagree: The need to rethink indicator selection for assessing sustainability of agriculture
EM De Olde, H Moller, F Marchand, RW McDowell, CJ MacLeod, ...
Environment, Development and Sustainability 19 (4), 1327-1342, 2017
The choice of the sustainability assessment tool matters: differences in thematic scope and assessment results
EM de Olde, EAM Bokkers, IJM de Boer
Ecological economics 136, 77-85, 2017
Comprehensiveness or implementation: Challenges in translating farm-level sustainability assessments into action for sustainable development
EM de Olde, M Sautier, J Whitehead
Ecological Indicators 85, 1107-1112, 2018
The moral complexity of agriculture: A challenge for corporate social responsibility
EM De Olde, V Valentinov
Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (3), 413-430, 2019
A review of European models to assess the sustainability performance of livestock production systems
A van der Linden, EM de Olde, PF Mostert, IJM de Boer
Agricultural Systems 182, 102842, 2020
Assessing the sustainability performance of organic farms in Denmark
EM de Olde, FW Oudshoorn, EAM Bokkers, A Stubsgaard, CAG Sørensen, ...
Sustainability 8 (9), 957, 2016
Food, energy or biomaterials? Policy coherence across agro-food and bioeconomy policy domains in the EU
A Muscat, EM de Olde, Z Kovacic, IJM de Boer, R Ripoll-Bosch
Environmental science & policy 123, 21-30, 2021
Generic sustainability assessment themes and the role of context: The case of Danish maize for German biogas
V Gasso, FW Oudshoorn, E de Olde, CAG Sørensen
Ecological indicators 49, 143-153, 2015
European biodiversity assessments in livestock science: A review of research characteristics and indicators
A Kok, EM de Olde, IJM de Boer, R Ripoll-Bosch
Ecological Indicators 112, 105902, 2020
Microbial health hazards of recycling food waste as animal feed
A Dame-Korevaar, IJMM Boumans, AFG Antonis, E van Klink, EM de Olde
Future Foods 4, 100062, 2021
Balancing biodiversity and agriculture: Conservation scenarios for the Dutch dairy sector
A Kok, VJ Oostvogels, EM de Olde, R Ripoll-Bosch
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 302, 107103, 2020
The role of collaborations in the development and implementation of sustainable livestock concepts in The Netherlands
EM de Olde, GJ Carsjens, CHAM Eilers
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 15 (2), 153-168, 2017
The Promised Land: Contrasting frames of marginal land in the European Union
A Muscat, EM De Olde, JJL Candel, IJM de Boer, R Ripoll-Bosch
Land use policy 112, 105860, 2022
The battle for biomass: a systematic review of food-feed-fuel competition. Glob Food Sec 25: 100330
A Muscat, EM de Olde, IJM de Boer, R Ripoll-Bosch
Signs of agricultural sustainability: A global assessment of sustainability governance initiatives and their indicators in crop farming
J Konefal, EM de Olde, M Hatanaka, PJM Oosterveer
Agricultural Systems 208, 103658, 2023
Sustainability challenges and innovations in the Dutch egg sector
EM de Olde, A van der Linden, LD olde Bolhaar, IJM de Boer
Journal of Cleaner Production, 120974, 2020
Energizing a transformation to a circular bioeconomy: mechanisms to spread, deepen and broaden initiatives
OM Schagen, TAP Metze, EM de Olde, C Termeer
Sustainability Science, 1-17, 2022
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Articles 1–20