Jacob Neiheisel
Cited by
Cited by
Reconsidering the role of politics in leaving religion: The importance of affiliation
PA Djupe, JR Neiheisel, AE Sokhey
American Journal of Political Science 62 (1), 161-175, 2018
Election administration and the pure effect of voter registration on turnout
BC Burden, JR Neiheisel
Political Research Quarterly 66 (1), 77-90, 2013
The impact of election day registration on voter turnout and election outcomes
JR Neiheisel, BC Burden
American Politics Research 40 (4), 636-664, 2012
Are the politics of the Christian right linked to state rates of the nonreligious? The importance of salient controversy
PA Djupe, JR Neiheisel, KH Conger
Political Research Quarterly 71 (4), 910-922, 2018
How Religious Communities Affect Political Participation Among Latinos*
PA Djupe, JR Neiheisel
Social Science Quarterly 93 (2), 333-355, 2012
Veni, vidi, disseri: Churches and the promise of democratic deliberation
JR Neiheisel, PA Djupe, AE Sokhey
American Politics Research 37 (4), 614-643, 2009
Clergy deliberation on gay rights and homosexuality
PA Djupe, JR Neiheisel
Polity 40 (4), 411-435, 2008
The use of party brand labels in congressional election campaigns
JR Neiheisel, S Niebler
Legislative Studies Quarterly 38 (3), 377-403, 2013
Which party represents my group? The group foundations of partisan choice and polarization
RL Claassen, PA Djupe, AR Lewis, JR Neiheisel
Political Behavior 43, 615-636, 2021
Political mobilization in American congregations: A religious economies perspective
PA Djupe, JR Neiheisel
Politics and Religion 12 (1), 123-152, 2019
What happens at the polling place: Using administrative data to look inside elections
BC Burden, DT Canon, KR Mayer, DP Moynihan, JR Neiheisel
Public Administration Review 77 (3), 354-364, 2017
Intra‐organizational constraints on churches' public witness
JR Neiheisel, PA Djupe
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 47 (3), 427-441, 2008
On the limits of persuasion: Campaign ads and the structure of voters’ interpersonal discussion networks
JR Neiheisel, S Niebler
Political Communication 32 (3), 434-452, 2015
Voter identification requirements and aggregate turnout in the US: How campaigns offset the costs of turning out when voting is made more difficult
JR Neiheisel, R Horner
Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy 18 (3), 227-242, 2019
Presidential, congressional, and gubernatorial advertising, 2008
K Goldstein, S Niebler, J Neiheisel, M Holleque
Combined File [dataset]. Initial release. Madison, WI: The University of …, 2011
The religious communication approach and political behavior
PA Djupe, JR Neiheisel
Political Psychology 43, 165-194, 2022
The “L” word: anti-liberal campaign rhetoric, symbolic ideology, and the electoral fortunes of democratic candidates
JR Neiheisel
Political Research Quarterly 69 (3), 418-429, 2016
Christian right horticulture: Grassroots support in a republican primary campaign
PA Djupe, JR Neiheisel
Politics and Religion 1 (1), 55-84, 2008
Presidential, congressional and gubernatorial advertising, 2008. Combined file [dataset]. Initial release
K Goldstein, S Niebler, J Neiheisel, M Holleque
Madison, WI: The Department of Political Science at the University of …, 2011
How fights over Trump have led evangelicals to leave their churches
PA Djupe, JR Neiheisel, AE Sokhey
The Washington Post, 2017
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Articles 1–20