Parijat Bhowmick
Parijat Bhowmick
Assistant Professor at the EEE Department at IIT Guwahati
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Cited by
Cooperative control of heterogeneous connected vehicle platoons: An adaptive leader-following approach
J Hu, P Bhowmick, F Arvin, A Lanzon, B Lennox
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5 (2), 977-984, 2020
Distributed adaptive time-varying group formation tracking for multiagent systems with multiple leaders on directed graphs
J Hu, P Bhowmick, A Lanzon
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 7 (1), 140-150, 2019
A decentralized cluster formation containment framework for multirobot systems
J Hu, P Bhowmick, I Jang, F Arvin, A Lanzon
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 37 (6), 1936-1955, 2021
Distributed motion planning for safe autonomous vehicle overtaking via artificial potential field
S Xie, J Hu, P Bhowmick, Z Ding, F Arvin
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (11), 21531-21547, 2022
A consensus-based robust secondary voltage and frequency control scheme for islanded microgrids
J Hu, P Bhowmick
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 116, 105575, 2020
Group coordinated control of networked mobile robots with applications to object transportation
J Hu, P Bhowmick, A Lanzon
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 70 (8), 8269-8274, 2021
On LTI output strictly negative-imaginary systems
P Bhowmick, S Patra
Systems & Control Letters 100, 32-42, 2017
Two‐layer distributed formation‐containment control strategy for linear swarm systems: Algorithm and experiments
J Hu, P Bhowmick, A Lanzon
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 30 (16), 6433-6453, 2020
Output strictly negative imaginary systems and its connections to dissipativity theory
P Bhowmick, A Lanzon
2019 IEEE 58th conference on decision and control (CDC), 6754-6759, 2019
Solution to negative-imaginary control problem for uncertain LTI systems with multi-objective performance
P Bhowmick, S Patra
Automatica 112, 108735, 2020
Characterization of Input–Output Negative Imaginary Systems in a Dissipative Framework
A Lanzon, P Bhowmick
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 68 (2), 959-974, 2022
On decentralized integral controllability of stable negative-imaginary systems and some related extensions
P Bhowmick, S Patra
Automatica 94, 443-451, 2018
An observer-based control scheme using negative-imaginary theory
P Bhowmick, S Patra
Automatica 81, 196-202, 2017
Time-domain output negative imaginary systems and its connection to dynamic dissipativity
P Bhowmick, A Lanzon
2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 5167-5172, 2020
Applying negative imaginary systems theory to non-square systems with polytopic uncertainty
P Bhowmick, A Lanzon
Automatica 128, 109570, 2021
Negative imaginary theory for a class of linear time-varying systems
S Kurawa, P Bhowmick, A Lanzon
IEEE Control Systems Letters 5 (3), 1001-1006, 2020
On input-output negative-imaginary systems and an output strict negative-imaginary lemma
P Bhowmick, S Patra
2016 Indian Control Conference (ICC), 176-181, 2016
Design and application of nonlinear model‐based tracking control schemes employing DEKF estimation
S Bhadra, A Panda, P Bhowmick, S Goswami, RC Panda
Optimal Control Applications and Methods 40 (5), 938-960, 2019
Dynamic output feedback controller synthesis using an LMI-based α-strictly negative imaginary framework
S Kurawa, P Bhowmick, A Lanzon
2019 27th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 81-86, 2019
A robust adaptive formation control methodology for networked multi-UAV systems with applications to cooperative payload transportation
YH Su, P Bhowmick, A Lanzon
Control Engineering Practice 138, 105608, 2023
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Articles 1–20