Mehdi Neshat
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Cited by
Artificial fish swarm algorithm: a survey of the state-of-the-art, hybridization, combinatorial and indicative applications
M Neshat, G Sepidnam, M Sargolzaei, AN Toosi
Artificial intelligence review 42 (4), 965-997, 2014
A fuzzy expert system for heart disease diagnosis
A Adeli, M Neshat
Proceedings of international multi conference of engineers and computer …, 2010
A deep learning-based evolutionary model for short-term wind speed forecasting: A case study of the Lillgrund offshore wind farm
M Neshat, MM Nezhad, E Abbasnejad, S Mirjalili, LB Tjernberg, ...
Energy conversion and management 236, 114002, 2021
Fuzzy expert system design for diagnosis of liver disorders
M Neshat, M Yaghobi, MB Naghibi, A Esmaelzadeh
2008 International Symposium on Knowledge Acquisition and Modeling, 252-256, 2008
Swallow swarm optimization algorithm: a new method to optimization
M Neshat, G Sepidnam, M Sargolzaei
Neural Computing & Applications, 1-26, 2012
Wind turbine power output prediction using a new hybrid neuro-evolutionary method
M Neshat, MM Nezhad, E Abbasnejad, S Mirjalili, D Groppi, A Heydari, ...
Energy 229, 120617, 2021
Hepatitis disease diagnosis using hybrid case based reasoning and particle swarm optimization
M Neshat, M Sargolzaei, A Nadjaran Toosi, A Masoumi
International Scholarly Research Notices 2012 (1), 609718, 2012
A Review of Artificial Fish Swarm Optimization Methods and Applications
M Neshat, A Adeli, G Sepidnam, M Sargolzaei, A Najaran Toosi
International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems 5, 107 – 148, 2012
Designing a fuzzy expert system of diagnosing the hepatitis B intensity rate and comparing it with adaptive neural network fuzzy system
M Neshat, M Yaghobi
Proceedings of the world congress on engineering and computer science 2, 797-802, 2009
A hybrid cooperative co-evolution algorithm framework for optimising power take off and placements of wave energy converters
M Neshat, B Alexander, M Wagner
Information Sciences, 2020
A detailed comparison of meta-heuristic methods for optimising wave energy converter placements
M Neshat, B Alexander, M Wagner, Y Xia
Proceedings of the genetic and evolutionary computation conference, 1318-1325, 2018
A comparative study on ANFIS and fuzzy expert system models for concrete mix design
M Neshat, A Adeli, A Masoumi, M Sargolzae
International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) 8 (3), 196, 2011
Quaternion convolutional long short-term memory neural model with an adaptive decomposition method for wind speed forecasting: North aegean islands case studies
M Neshat, MM Nezhad, S Mirjalili, G Piras, DA Garcia
Energy Conversion and Management 259, 115590, 2022
A novel hybrid sine cosine algorithm and pattern search for optimal coordination of power system damping controllers
M Eslami, M Neshat, SA Khalid
Sustainability 14 (1), 541, 2022
A primary offshore wind farm site assessment using reanalysis data: A case study for Samothraki island
MM Nezhad, M Neshat, D Groppi, P Marzialetti, A Heydari, G Sylaios, ...
Renewable Energy 172, 667-679, 2021
Layout optimisation of offshore wave energy converters using a novel multi-swarm cooperative algorithm with backtracking strategy: A case study from coasts of Australia
M Neshat, S Mirjalili, NY Sergiienko, S Esmaeilzadeh, E Amini, A Heydari, ...
Energy 239, 122463, 2022
Optimization of hydraulic power take-off system settings for point absorber wave energy converter
E Amini, H Mehdipour, E Faraggiana, D Golbaz, S Mozaffari, G Bracco, ...
Renewable Energy 194, 938-954, 2022
Short-term solar radiation forecasting using hybrid deep residual learning and gated LSTM recurrent network with differential covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy
M Neshat, MM Nezhad, S Mirjalili, DA Garcia, E Dahlquist, AH Gandomi
Energy 278, 127701, 2023
Layout and design optimization of ocean wave energy converters: A scoping review of state-of-the-art canonical, hybrid, cooperative, and combinatorial optimization methods
D Golbaz, R Asadi, E Amini, H Mehdipour, M Nasiri, B Etaati, STO Naeeni, ...
Energy Reports 8, 15446-15479, 2022
Adaptive neuro-surrogate-based optimisation method for wave energy converters placement optimisation
M Neshat, E Abbasnejad, Q Shi, B Alexander, M Wagner
Neural Information Processing: 26th International Conference, ICONIP 2019 …, 2019
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Articles 1–20