Filip De Fruyt
Filip De Fruyt
Gewoon hoogleraar, Universiteit Gent
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Universal features of personality traits from the observer's perspective: data from 50 cultures.
RR McCrae, A Terracciano
Journal of personality and social psychology 88 (3), 547, 2005
Personality profiles of cultures: aggregate personality traits.
RR McCrae, A Terracciano
Journal of personality and social psychology 89 (3), 407, 2005
Recommendations for increasing replicability in psychology
JB Asendorpf, M Conner, F De Fruyt, J De Houwer, JJA Denissen, ...
European journal of personality 27 (2), 108-119, 2013
Personality trait development from age 12 to age 18: Longitudinal, cross-sectional and cross-cultural analyses.
RR McCrae, PT Costa Jr, A Terracciano, WD Parker, CJ Mills, F De Fruyt, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 83 (6), 1456, 2002
National character does not reflect mean personality trait levels in 49 cultures
A Terracciano, AM Abdel-Khalek, N Adam, L Adamovová, C Ahn, H Ahn, ...
Science 310 (5745), 96-100, 2005
Cloninger's psychobiological model of temperament and character and the five-factor model of personality
F De Fruyt, L Van de Wiele, C Van Heeringen
Personality and individual differences 29 (3), 441-452, 2000
Medical students' personality characteristics and academic performance: A five‐factor model perspective
F Lievens, P Coetsier, F De Fruyt, J De Maeseneer
Medical education 36 (11), 1050-1056, 2002
A meta-analytic study of general mental ability validity for different occupations in the European community.
JF Salgado, N Anderson, S Moscoso, C Bertua, F De Fruyt, JP Rolland
Journal of applied psychology 88 (6), 1068, 2003
Perceptions of aging across 26 cultures and their culture-level associates.
CE Löckenhoff, F De Fruyt, A Terracciano, RR McCrae, M De Bolle, ...
Psychology and aging 24 (4), 941, 2009
NEO persoonlijkheids vragenlijsten: NEO-PI-R: NEO-FFI
HA Hoekstra, J Ormel, F De Fruyt
Swets Test Services (STS), 1996
Five types of personality continuity in childhood and adolescence.
F De Fruyt, M Bartels, KG Van Leeuwen, B De Clercq, M Decuyper, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 91 (3), 538, 2006
Personality and interests as predictors of educational streaming and achievement
F De Fruyt, I Mervielde
European journal of personality 10 (5), 405-425, 1996
International validity generalization of GMA and cognitive abilities: A European Community meta‐analysis
JF Salgado, N Anderson, S Moscoso, C Bertua, F De Fruyt
Personnel Psychology 56 (3), 573-605, 2003
Work values and personality traits as predictors of enterprising and social vocational interests
D Berings, F De Fruyt, R Bouwen
Personality and Individual Differences 36 (2), 349-364, 2004
Fear of being exposed: The trait-relatedness of the impostor phenomenon and its relevance in the work context
J Vergauwe, B Wille, M Feys, F De Fruyt, F Anseel
Journal of Business and Psychology 30, 565-581, 2015
The time has come for dimensional personality disorder diagnosis
CJ Hopwood, R Kotov, RF Krueger, D Watson, TA Widiger, RR Althoff, ...
Personality and mental health 12 (1), 82-86, 2018
Construction of the Hierarchical Personality Inventory for Children (HiPIC).
I Mervielde, F De Fruyt
Personality psychology in Europe. Proceedings of the Eight European …, 1999
Temperament, personality, and developmental psychopathology as childhood antecedents of personality disorders
I Mervielde, B De Clercq, F De Fruyt, K Van Leeuwen
Journal of personality disorders 19 (2), 171-201, 2005
RIASEC types and Big Five traits as predictors of employment status and nature of employment
F De Fruyt, I Mervielde
Personnel psychology 52 (3), 701-727, 1999
General and Maladaptive Traits in a Five-Factor Framework for DSM-5 in a University Student Sample
F De Fruyt, B De Clercq, M De Bolle, B Wille, K Markon, RF Krueger
Assessment 20 (3), 295-307, 2013
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Articles 1–20