J.Ignacio González-Gordillo
J.Ignacio González-Gordillo
Senior Lecturer on Marine Ecology at the University of Cádiz, Spain
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Plastic debris in the open ocean
A Cózar, F Echevarría, JI González-Gordillo, X Irigoien, B Úbeda, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (28), 10239-10244, 2014
Large mesopelagic fishes biomass and trophic efficiency in the open ocean
X Irigoien, TA Klevjer, A Røstad, U Martinez, G Boyra, JL Acuña, A Bode, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3271, 2014
Plastic accumulation in the Mediterranean Sea
A Cózar, M Sanz-Martín, E Martí, JI González-Gordillo, B Ubeda, ...
PloS one 10 (4), e0121762, 2015
The Arctic Ocean as a dead end for floating plastics in the North Atlantic branch of the Thermohaline Circulation
A Cózar, E Martí, CM Duarte, J García-de-Lomas, E Van Sebille, ...
Science advances 3 (4), e1600582, 2017
An inshore–offshore sorting system revealed from global classification of ocean litter
C Morales-Caselles, J Viejo, E Martí, D González-Fernández, ...
Nature Sustainability 4 (6), 484-493, 2021
Ubiquitous healthy diatoms in the deep sea confirm deep carbon injection by the biological pump
S Agustí, JI González-Gordillo, D Vaqué, M Estrada, MI Cerezo, G Salazar, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7608, 2015
Oceanographic and behavioural processes affecting invertebrate larval dispersal and supply in the western Iberia upwelling ecosystem
H Queiroga, T Cruz, A dos Santos, J Dubert, JI González-Gordillo, J Paula, ...
Progress in Oceanography 74 (2-3), 174-191, 2007
Large-scale ocean connectivity and planktonic body size
E Villarino, JR Watson, B Jönsson, JM Gasol, G Salazar, SG Acinas, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 142, 2018
Tide and wind control of megalopal supply to estuarine crab populations on the Portuguese west coast.
H Queiroga, MJ Almeida, T Alpuim, AA Flores, S Francisco, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2006
Illustrated keys for the identification of the Pleocyemata (Crustacea: Decapoda) zoeal stages, from the coastal region of south-western Europe
A Dos Santos, JI González-Gordillo
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 84 (1 …, 2004
Large deep-sea zooplankton biomass mirrors primary production in the global ocean
S Hernández-León, R Koppelmann, E Fraile-Nuez, A Bode, C Mompeán, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 6048, 2020
Checklist and annotated bibliography of decapod crustacean larvae from the Southwestern European coast (Gibraltar Strait area)
JI González Gordillo, A Santos
Large mesopelagic fishes biomass and trophic efficiency in the open ocean. Nat. Commun. 5, 3271
X Irigoien, TA Klevjer, A Røstad, U Martinez, G Boyra, JL Acuña, A Bode, ...
Comparative seasonal and spatial distribution of decapod larvae assemblages in three coastal zones off the south-western Iberian Peninsula
JI González-Gordillo, A Rodríguez
Acta Oecologica 24, S219-S233, 2003
An inshore–offshore sorting system revealed from global classification of ocean
C Morales-Caselles, J Viejo, E Martí, D González-Fernández, ...
Annotated checklist of brachyuran crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda) of the Iberian Peninsula (SW Europe)
E Marco-Herrero, P Abelló, P Drake, JE García-Raso, ...
First zoeal stages of Grapsus adscensionis (Osbeck) and Planes minutus (Linnaeus) (Brachyura: Grapsidae) described from laboratory hatched material, with …
JA Cuesta, JI González-Gordillo, A Rodríguez
Journal of Natural History 31 (6), 887-900, 1997
Recruitment patterns of decapod crustacean megalopae in a shallow inlet (SW Spain) related to life history strategies
JI González-Gordillo, AM Arias, A Rodrıguez, P Drake
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 56 (3-4), 593-607, 2003
Physical control of zooplankton distribution at the Strait of Gibraltar during an episode of internal wave generation
D Macías, R Somavilla, JI González-Gordillo, F Echevarría
Marine Ecology Progress Series 408, 79-95, 2010
Primera cita de Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould, 1841)(Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Xanthidae) en la Península Ibérica
JA Cuesta Mariscal, JE García-Raso, JI González Gordillo
Boletín del Instituto Español de Oceanografía 7 (2), 149-153, 1991
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Articles 1–20