Viktor Nilsson-Örtman
Viktor Nilsson-Örtman
Senior Lecturer in Biology, Karlstad University
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Generalists and specialists along a latitudinal transect: patterns of thermal adaptation in six species of damselflies
V Nilsson-Örtman, R Stoks, M De Block, F Johansson
Ecology, 2012
Susceptibility to a metal under global warming is shaped by thermal adaptation along a latitudinal gradient
K Dinh Van, L Janssens, S Debecker, M De Jonge, P Lambret, ...
Global Change Biology 19 (9), 2625-2633, 2013
Temperate insects with narrow seasonal activity periods can be as vulnerable to climate change as tropical insect species
F Johansson, G Orizaola, V Nilsson-Örtman
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 8822, 2020
Rapid evolution of larval life history, adult immune function and flight muscles in a poleward‐moving damselfly
L Therry, V Nilsson‐Örtman, D Bonte, R Stoks
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27 (1), 141-152, 2014
Differentiation in developmental rate across geographic regions: a photoperiod driven latitude compensating mechanism?
S Śniegula, F Johansson, V Nilsson‐Örtman
Oikos 121 (7), 1073-1082, 2012
Antagonistic natural and sexual selection on wing shape in a scrambling damselfly
D Outomuro, L Söderquist, V Nilsson-Örtman, M Cortázar-Chinarro, ...
Evolution 70 (7), 1582-1595, 2016
Large‐scale patterns in genetic variation, gene flow and differentiation in five species of European Coenagrionid damselfly provide mixed support for the central‐marginal …
H Johansson, R Stoks, V Nilsson‐Örtman, PK Ingvarsson, F Johansson
Ecography 36 (6), 744-755, 2013
Growth pattern responses to photoperiod across latitudes in a northern damselfly
S Śniegula, V Nilsson-Örtman, F Johansson
Public Library of Science 7 (9), e46024, 2012
Latitudinally structured variation in the temperature dependence of damselfly growth rates
V Nilsson‐Örtman, R Stoks, M De Block, H Johansson, F Johansson
Ecology Letters 16 (1), 64-71, 2013
Competitive interactions modify the temperature dependence of damselfly growth rates
V Nilsson-Örtman, R Stoks, F Johansson
Ecology 95 (5), 1394-1406, 2014
Latitudinal patterns of phenology and age‐specific thermal performance across six Coenagrion damselfly species
V Nilsson-Örtman, R Stoks, M De Block, F Johansson
Ecological Monographs 83 (4), 491-510, 2013
Ontogenetic changes in genetic variances of age-dependent plasticity along a latitudinal gradient
V Nilsson-Örtman, B Rogell, R Stoks, F Johansson
Heredity 115 (4), 366-378, 2015
The evolution of developmental thresholds and reaction norms for age and size at maturity
V Nilsson-Örtman, L Rowe
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (7), e2017185118, 2021
Using taxonomic revision data to estimate the global species richness and characteristics of undescribed species of diving beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae)
V Nilsson-Örtman, AN Nilsson
Biodiversity Informatics 7 (1), 1-16, 2010
The rate of seasonal changes in temperature alters acclimation of performance under climate change
V Nilsson-Örtman, F Johansson
The American Naturalist 190 (6), 743-761, 2017
Predation and the relative importance of larval colour polymorphisms and colour polyphenism in a damselfly
F Johansson, V Nilsson-Örtman
Evolutionary Ecology 27, 579-591, 2013
Density-dependent offspring interactions do not explain macroevolutionary scaling of adult size and offspring size
N Rollinson, V Nilsson-Örtman, L Rowe
Evolution 73 (11), 2162-2174, 2019
Impact of global warming on insects: are tropical species more vulnerable than temperate species?
F Johansson, G Orizaola, V Nilsson-Örtman
bioRxiv, 728352, 2019
Bidrag till kännedomen om den till asp och björk knutna insektsfaunan i Västerbottens län
A Garpebring, V Nilsson-Örtman
Skörvnöpparn 2, 1-16, 2010
First-season growth and food of YOY pike (Esox lucius) are habitat specific within a lake
PA Nilsson, L Ranåker, K Hulthén, V Nilsson-Örtman, C Brönmark, ...
Fisheries Research 259, 106563, 2023
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Articles 1–20