Scott A. King
Cited by
Cited by
Swirling-sweepers: Constant-volume modeling
A Angelidis, MP Cani, G Wyvill, S King
Graphical Models 68 (4), 324-332, 2006
Creating speech-synchronized animation
SA King, RE Parent
IEEE Transactions on visualization and computer graphics 11 (3), 341-352, 2005
Collision-free autonomous robot navigation in unknown environments utilizing PSO for path planning
E Krell, A Sheta, APR Balasubramanian, SA King
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research 9 (4), 267-282, 2019
A 3D parametric tongue model for animated speech
SA King, RE Parent
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 12 (3), 107-115, 2001
D3PG: Dirichlet DDPG for Task Partitioning and Offloading With Constrained Hybrid Action Space in Mobile-Edge Computing
L Ale, SA King, N Zhang, AR Sattar, J Skandaraniyam
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (19), 19260-19272, 2022
Rescue Boat Path Planning in Flooded Urban Environments
MF Ozkan, LRG Carrillo, SA King
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics …, 2019
Autonomous Surface Vehicle energy-efficient and reward-based path planning using Particle Swarm Optimization and Visibility Graphs
E Krell, SA King, LRG Carrillo
Applied Ocean Research 122, 103125, 2022
A facial model and animation techniques for animated speech
SA King
The Ohio State University, 2001
Use and re-use of facial motion capture data
MSLJD Edge, SA King, S Maddock
Proceedings of Vision, Video, and Graphics, 135-142, 2003
FogNet: A multiscale 3D CNN with double-branch dense block and attention mechanism for fog prediction
H Kamangir, W Collins, P Tissot, SA King, HTH Dinh, N Durham, J Rizzo
Machine Learning with Applications 5, 100038, 2021
A deep‐learning model to predict thunderstorms within 400 km2 South Texas domains
H Kamangir, W Collins, P Tissot, SA King
Meteorological Applications 27 (2), e1905, 2020
Investigation of epifauna coverage on seagrass blades using spatial and spectral analysis of hyperspectral images
MY Teng, R Mehrubeoglu, SA King, K Cammarata, J Simons
2013 5th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in …, 2013
Issues with lip sync animation: can you read my lips?
R Parent, S King, O Fujimura
Computer Animation, 2002. Proceedings of, 3-10, 2002
Simulating tree growth based on internal and environmental factors
Z Lam, SA King
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Computer graphics and …, 2005
An anatomically-based 3D parametric lip model to support facial animation and synchronized speech
SA King, RE Parent, B Olsafsky
Proc. Deform 2000, 7-9, 2000
Fast volume rendering and animation of amorphous phenomena
SA King, RA Crawfis, W Reid
Volume Graphics, 229-242, 2000
Language-driven nonverbal communication in a bilingual conversational agent
SA King, A Knott, B McCane
Computer Animation and Social Agents, 2003. 16th International Conference on …, 2003
A system for real-time watercolour rendering
J Burgess, G Wyvill, SA King
Computer Graphics International 2005, 234-240, 2005
Fast animation of amorphous and gaseous phenomena
SA King, RA Crawfis, W Reid
Volume Graphics 99, 333-346, 1999
Multisensory platform for surgical simulation
R Yagel, D Stredney, GJ Wiet, P Schmalbrock, L Rosenberg, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 1996 Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium …, 1996
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Articles 1–20