Melissa Bowen
Melissa Bowen
School of Environment, University of Auckland
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The dynamics of a partially mixed estuary
WR Geyer, JH Trowbridge, MM Bowen
Journal of Physical oceanography 30 (8), 2035-2048, 2000
Double trouble in the South Pacific subtropical gyre: Increased plastic ingestion by fish in the oceanic accumulation zone
A Markic, C Niemand, JH Bridson, N Mazouni-Gaertner, JC Gaertner, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 136, 547-564, 2018
Derivation of total ozone abundance and cloud effects from spectral irradiance measurements
K Stamnes, J Slusser, M Bowen
Applied optics 30 (30), 4418-4426, 1991
Salt transport and the time‐dependent salt balance of a partially stratified estuary
MM Bowen, WR Geyer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 108 (C5), 2003
The S outhwest P acific O cean circulation and climate experiment (SPICE)
A Ganachaud, S Cravatte, A Melet, A Schiller, NJ Holbrook, BM Sloyan, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 (11), 7660-7686, 2014
Extracting multiyear surface currents from sequential thermal imagery using the maximum cross-correlation technique
MM Bowen, WJ Emery, JL Wilkin, PC Tildesley, IJ Barton, R Knewtson
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 19 (10), 1665-1676, 2002
Near-bottom turbulence measurements in a partially mixed estuary: Turbulent energy balance, velocity structure, and along-channel momentum balance
JH Trowbridge, WR Geyer, MM Bowen, AJ Williams
Journal of Physical Oceanography 29 (12), 3056-3072, 1999
Chaotic stirring by a mesoscale surface-ocean flow
ER Abraham, MM Bowen
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 12 (2), 373-381, 2002
Variability and forcing of the East Australian Current
MM Bowen, JL Wilkin, WJ Emery
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 110 (C3), 2005
Half a century of coastal temperature records reveal complex warming trends in western boundary currents
NT Shears, MM Bowen
Scientific reports 7 (1), 1-9, 2017
Spatial variations of stirring in the surface ocean: A case study of the Tasman Sea
DW Waugh, ER Abraham, MM Bowen
Journal of Physical Oceanography 36 (3), 526-542, 2006
Ocean temperature change around New Zealand over the last 36 years
PJH Sutton, M Bowen
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 53 (3), 305-326, 2019
Biologically effective ultraviolet radiation, total ozone abundance, and cloud optical depth at McMUrdo Station, Antarctica September 15 1988 through April 15 1989
K Stamnes, J Slusser, M Bowen, C Booth, T Lucas
Geophysical Research Letters 17 (12), 2181-2184, 1990
Mapping mesoscale currents by optimal interpolation of satellite radiometer and altimeter data
JL Wilkin, MM Bowen, WJ Emery
Ocean Dynamics 52, 95-103, 2002
Effect of changes in radiatively active species upon the lower stratospheric temperatures
V Ramaswamy, MM Bowen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 99 (D9), 18909-18921, 1994
Decadal temperature changes in the Tasman Sea
PJH Sutton, M Bowen, D Roemmich
New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research 39 (6), 1321-1329, 2005
Source directionality of ambient seismic noise inferred from three‐component beamforming
Y Behr, J Townend, M Bowen, L Carter, R Gorman, L Brooks, S Bannister
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 118 (1), 240-248, 2013
Southwest Pacific Ocean response to a warmer world: insights from Marine Isotope Stage 5e
G Cortese, GB Dunbar, L Carter, G Scott, H Bostock, M Bowen, ...
Paleoceanography 28 (3), 585-598, 2013
Twentieth century sea‐ice trends in the Ross Sea from a high‐resolution, coastal ice‐core record
KE Sinclair, NAN Bertler, MM Bowen, KR Arrigo
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (10), 3510-3516, 2014
Recent reduced abyssal overturning and ventilation in the Australian Antarctic Basin
KL Gunn, SR Rintoul, MH England, MM Bowen
Nature Climate Change 13 (6), 537-544, 2023
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