Thalia E Chan
Thalia E Chan
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Cited by
Gene regulatory network inference from single-cell data using multivariate information measures
TE Chan, MPH Stumpf, AC Babtie
Cell systems 5 (3), 251-267. e3, 2017
Stem cell differentiation as a non-Markov stochastic process
PS Stumpf, RCG Smith, M Lenz, A Schuppert, FJ Müller, A Babtie, ...
Cell Systems 5 (3), 268-282. e7, 2017
Single-cell transcriptomics reveals multi-step adaptations to endocrine therapy
SP Hong, TE Chan, Y Lombardo, G Corleone, N Rotmensz, S Bravaccini, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 3840, 2019
Learning regulatory models for cell development from single cell transcriptomic data
AC Babtie, TE Chan, MPH Stumpf
Current Opinion in Systems Biology 5, 72-81, 2017
Empirical Bayes meets information theoretical network reconstruction from single cell data
TE Chan, AV Pallaseni, AC Babtie, KR McEwen, MPH Stumpf
BioRxiv, 264853, 2018
Gene Regulatory Network Inference from Single-Cell Data Using Multivariate Information Measures. Cell Systems, 5 (3), 251–267. e3
TE Chan, MPH Stumpf, AC Babtie
Gene regulatory network inference from single-cell data using multivariate information measures. Cell Syst. 5: 251–267. e3
TE Chan, MPH Stumpf, AC Babtie
Gene regulatory network inference from single-cell data using multivariate information measures. Cell Syst 2017; 5 (3): 251–267. e3
TE Chan, MPH Stumpf, AC Babtie
Gene regulatory networks from single cell data for exploring cell fate decisions
TE Chan, MPH Stumpf, AC Babtie
Computational Stem Cell Biology: Methods and Protocols, 211-238, 2019
Signalling pathways drive heterogeneity of ground state pluripotency
KR McEwen, S Linnett, HG Leitch, P Srivastava, L Al-Zouabi, TC Huang, ...
bioRxiv, 373373, 2018
Learning large-scale gene regulatory networks from single cell transcriptomic data using multivariate information theory
TE Chan
Imperial College London, 2018
Stem cell differentiation is a stochastic process with memory
AC Babtie, M Lenz, BD MacArthur, TE Chan, RCG Smith, A Schuppert, ...
(No Title), 2017
Stem cell differentiation is a stochastic process with memory
AB Müller, TE Chan, MPH Stumpf, CP Please, SD Howison, F Arai, ...
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Articles 1–13