Stuart McNaughton
Stuart McNaughton
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Patterns of emergent literacy: Processes of development and transition
S McNaughton
Oxford University Press, USA, 1995
The practice of storybook reading to preschool children in mainstream New Zealand families
G Phillips, S McNaughton
Reading Research Quarterly, 196-212, 1990
Picking up the pace: Effective literacy interventions for accelerated progress over the transition into decile 1 schools
G Phillips, S McNaughton, SD MacDonald
Child Literacy Foundation and Woolf Fisher Research Centre, 2001
Sustained acceleration of achievement in reading comprehension: The New Zealand experience
MK Lai, S McNaughton, M Amituanai‐Toloa, R Turner, S Hsiao
Reading Research Quarterly 44 (1), 30-56, 2009
Improving achievement in secondary schools: Impact of a literacy project on reading comprehension and secondary school qualifications
MK Lai, A Wilson, S McNaughton, S Hsiao
Reading Research Quarterly 49 (3), 305-334, 2014
The impact of data use professional development on student achievement
MK Lai, S McNaughton
Teaching and Teacher Education 60, 434-443, 2016
Reading gains for underachieving tutors and tutees in a cross‐age tutoring programme
E Limbrick, S McNaughton, T Glynn
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 26 (6), 939-953, 1985
Testing the effectiveness of an intervention model based on data use: A replication series across clusters of schools
S McNaughton, MK Lai, S Hsiao
School Effectiveness and School Improvement 23 (2), 203-228, 2012
Sustaining continued acceleration in reading comprehension achievement following an intervention
MK Lai, S McNaughton, H Timperley, S Hsiao
Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability (formerly: Journal of …, 2009
Managing the Mismatch: Enhancing Early Literacy Progress for Children With Diverse Language and Cultural Identities in Mainstream Urban Schools in New Zealand.
G Phillips, S McNaughton, S MacDonald
Journal of Educational Psychology 96 (2), 309, 2004
Parents as remedial reading tutors: Issues for home and school
S McNaughton, T Glynn, VM Robinson
New Zealand Council for Educational Research, 1981
Te Kohanga Reo hei Tikanga ako I te Reo Maori: Te Kohanga Reo as a context for language learning
M Hohepa, LT Smith, S McNaughton
Educational Psychology 12 (3-4), 333-346, 1992
Time engaged in reading: A critical factor in reading achievement
EA Limbrick, S McNaughton, MM Clay
American Annals of the Deaf, 309-314, 1992
Pause, Prompt and Praise: Effective tutoring for remedial reading
S MacNaughton, T Glynn, VM Robinson
Positive Products, 1987
Co-constructing expertise: The development of parents’ and teachers’ ideas about literacy practices and the transition to school
S McNaughton
Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 1 (1), 40-58, 2001
The Mangere Home and School Remedial Reading Procedures: Continuing research on their effectiveness.
T Glynn, S McNaughton
New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 1985
A model of school change for culturally and linguistically diverse students in New Zealand: A summary and evidence from systematic replication
S McNaughton, MK Lai
Teaching Education 20 (1), 55-75, 2009
Delayed versus immediate attention to oral reading errors: Effects on accuracy and self‐correction
S McNaughton, T Glynn
Educational Psychology 1 (1), 57-65, 1981
Designing better schools for culturally and linguistically diverse children: A science of performance model for research
S McNaughton
Routledge, 2011
Transitioning children from early childhood education to school: Teacher beliefs and transition practices
H Timperley, S McNaughton, L Howie, V Robinson
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 28 (2), 32-38, 2003
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