Chang-Min Kim
Chang-Min Kim
Department of Geology, Division of Geology and Geophysics, Kangwon National University
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Internal structure and materials of the Yangsan fault, Bogyeongsa area, Pohang, South Korea
CM Kim, R Han, GY Jeong, JO Jeong, M Son
Geosciences Journal 20, 759-773, 2016
Correlation of paleoearthquake records at multiple sites along the southern Yangsan Fault, Korea: Insights into rupture scenarios of intraplate strike-slip earthquakes
T Kim, JH Choi, Y Cheon, TH Lee, N Kim, H Lee, CM Kim, Y Choi, H Bae, ...
Tectonophysics 854, 229817, 2023
Relation between temporal change of fault rock materials and mechanical properties
우상우, 한래희, 김창민, 정기영, 정종옥, 이희권
지질학회지 52 (6), 847-861, 2016
Long‐Term Weakening Processes and Short‐Term Seismic Slip Behavior of an Intraplate Mature Fault Zone: A Case Study of the Yangsan Fault, SE Korea
CM Kim, Y Cheon, TH Lee, JH Choi, S Ha, JO Jeong
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 127 (4), e2021JB023154, 2022
Dynamic weakening of ring faults and catastrophic caldera collapses
R Han, JS Kim, CM Kim, T Hirose, JO Jeong, GY Jeong
Geology 47 (2), 107-110, 2019
Fault zone processes during caldera collapse: Jangsan Caldera, Korea
CM Kim, R Han, JS Kim, YK Sohn, JO Jeong, GY Jeong, K Yi, JC Kim
Journal of Structural Geology 124, 197-210, 2019
A multidisciplinary approach to characterization of the mature northern Yangsan fault in Korea and its active faulting
K Ko, SJ Choi, TH Lee, YS Gihm, CM Kim, K Kim, Y Cheon
Marine Geophysical Research 43 (2), 21, 2022
Identification of materials in principal slip zones of faults by X-ray diffraction analysis using a small amount of sample
김창민, 정종옥, 구도희, 한래희
지질학회지 53 (6), 873-883, 2017
Structural records and mechanical characteristics of seismic slip along an active fault crosscutting unconsolidated Quaternary sediments: Suryum fault, SE Korea
R Han, CM Kim, S Woo, GY Jeong, T Hirose
Geosciences Journal 24, 379-389, 2020
The Bonggil pseudotachylyte, SE Korea: Its occurrence and characteristics
HC Kang, R Han, CM Kim, Y Cheon, H Cho, K Yi, M Son, JS Kim
Near-surface termination of upward-propagating strike-slip ruptures on the Yangsan Fault, Korea
Y Cheon, CM Kim, JH Choi, S Ha, S Lee, T Kim, HC Kang, M Son
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 9869, 2023
Crack initiation and propagation thresholds of Hwangdeung granite under elevated temperature
JW Park, YK Lee, C Park, CM Kim
Geosciences Journal 26 (6), 715-729, 2022
Fault reactivation with rapid slip along subsidiary faults in the Yangsan Fault zone, SE Korea
CM Kim, Y Cheon, R Han, GY Jeong, JO Jeong
Geosciences Journal, 1-15, 2022
Seismic slip zone characteristics in near-surface unconsolidated sediments: Low-angle reverse paleo-rupture in Central Korea
H Lee, Y Cheon, CM Kim, R Han
Journal of Structural Geology 177, 105003, 2023
Pseudotachylyte developed in granitic gneiss around the Bulil waterfall in the Jirisan, SE Korea: Its occurrence and characteristics
HC Kang, CM Kim, R Han, CR Ryoo, M Son, SW Lee
The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea 28 (3), 157-169, 2019
The Munmu peseudotachylyte, Gyeongju, SE Korea: A preliminary report
JS Kim, HC Kang, R Han, CM Kim, H Cho, JO Jeong, K Yi, Y Cheon, ...
Annual Conference of the Geological Society of Korea (Abstracts), Jeongseon …, 2014
Multi-scale analysis and paleoseismic investigations along the Geumwang Fault: an example of integrated approach in paleoseismology in slow tectonic region
CM Kim, TH Lee, JH Choi, H Lee, DE Kim
Geosciences Journal 28 (5), 565-582, 2024
New evidence of late Quaternary earthquake surface rupturing along the Gongju Fault, central Korea
DE Kim, CM Kim, HW Choi, H Lee
Geosciences Journal, 1-11, 2024
Deformation microstructures of fault rocks from the northern Yangsan Fault, SE Korea: implications for coseismic and aseismic behavior
S Choi, Y Cheon, CM Kim, H Jung, M Park
Geosciences Journal, 1-14, 2024
한반도 동부 울진 죽변-부구 지역 암맥군과 단열계의 상대연령과 지구조적 의미
김창민, 김종선, 송철우, 손문, 최성자
암석학회지 20 (4), 173-189, 2011
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Articles 1–20