Olivia Campana
Olivia Campana
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Effect of lead on ALA-D activity, metallothionein levels, and lipid peroxidation in blood, kidney, and liver of the toadfish Halobatrachus didactylus
O Campana, C Sarasquete, J Blasco
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 55 (1), 116-125, 2003
Sub-lethal effects of copper to benthic invertebrates explained by sediment properties and dietary exposure
O Campana, SL Simpson, DA Spadaro, J Blasco
Environmental science & technology 46 (12), 6835-6842, 2012
Demonstrating the appropriateness of developing sediment quality guidelines based on sediment geochemical properties
O Campana, J Blasco, SL Simpson
Environmental science & technology 47 (13), 7483-7489, 2013
Calcium alginate immobilized marine microalgae: experiments on growth and short-term heavy metal accumulation
I Moreno-Garrido, O Campana, LM Lubián, J Blasco
Marine pollution bulletin 51 (8-12), 823-829, 2005
Unsuitable use of DMSO for assessing behavioral endpoints in aquatic model species
Y Huang, R Cartlidge, M Walpitagama, J Kaslin, O Campana, ...
Science of the total environment 615, 107-114, 2018
Importance of subcellular metal partitioning and kinetics to predicting sublethal effects of copper in two deposit-feeding organisms
O Campana, AM Taylor, J Blasco, WA Maher, SL Simpson
Environmental Science & Technology 49 (3), 1806-1814, 2015
A Millifluidic System for Analysis of Daphnia magna Locomotory Responses to Water-born Toxicants
Y Huang, O Campana, D Wlodkowic
Scientific reports 7 (1), 17603, 2017
Ecotoxicology goes on a chip: embracing miniaturized bioanalysis in aquatic risk assessment
O Campana, D Wlodkowic
Environmental science & technology 52 (3), 932-946, 2018
Sediment toxicity testing
SL Simpson, O Campana, KT Ho
Marine ecotoxicology, 199-237, 2016
Marine ecotoxicology: current knowledge and future issues
J Blasco, PM Chapman, O Campana, M Hampel
Academic Press, 2016
Bioavailability of heavy metals in the Guadalete river estuary (SW Iberian Peninsula)
O Campana, A Rodríguez, J Blasco
Ciencias marinas 31 (1B), 135-147, 2005
Toward high-throughput fish embryo toxicity tests in aquatic toxicology
D Wlodkowic, O Campana
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (6), 3505-3513, 2021
Bioaccumulation kinetics of copper in Ruditapes philippinarum exposed to increasing, continuous and pulsed exposure: Implications for growth
LMBM Santana, J Blasco, DMS Abessa, O Campana
Science of the Total Environment 595, 920-927, 2017
The undiscovered country: Ecotoxicology meets microfluidics
O Campana, D Wlodkowic
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 257, 692-704, 2018
Identification of a potential toxic hot spot associated with AVS spatial and seasonal variation
O Campana, A Rodríguez, J Blasco
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 56, 416-425, 2009
Emerging prospects of integrated bioanalytical systems in neuro-behavioral toxicology
Y Bai, J Henry, O Campana, D Wlodkowic
Science of the Total Environment 756, 143922, 2021
Evaluating the suitability of Hydrobia ulvae as a test species for sediment metal toxicity testing applying a tissue residue approach to metal mixtures in laboratory and field …
O Campana, A Rodríguez, J Blasco
Chemosphere 91 (8), 1136-1145, 2013
Efecto del accidente minero sobre los organismos residentes en el estuario del Guadalquivir y en las zonas de la plataforma próxima a su desembocadura
J Blasco, AM Arias, M Hampel, V Sáenz, RG Pascual, O Campana, ...
Contaminación por metales pesados del estuario del Guadalquivir: efectos del …, 2003
“Nanosize effect” in the metal-handling strategy of the bivalve Scrobicularia plana exposed to CuO nanoparticles and copper ions in whole-sediment toxicity tests
S Scola, J Blasco, O Campana
Science of The Total Environment 760, 143886, 2021
The importance of kinetics of sub-cellular partitioning to the predictability of sub-lethal toxic effects of copper in two deposit feeding organisms
O Campana, AM Taylor, J Blasco, WA Maher, SL Simpson
Environ. Sci. Technol 49, 1806-1814, 2015
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Articles 1–20