Mario Sainz
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Cited by
Sex differences in mate preferences across 45 countries: A large-scale replication
KV Walter, D Conroy-Beam, DM Buss, K Asao, A Sorokowska, ...
Psychological science 31 (4), 408-423, 2020
A large-scale test of the link between intergroup contact and support for social change
T Hässler, J Ullrich, M Bernardino, N Shnabel, CV Laar, D Valdenegro, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 4 (4), 380-386, 2020
Affective interpersonal touch in close relationships: A cross-cultural perspective
A Sorokowska, S Saluja, P Sorokowski, T Frąckowiak, M Karwowski, ...
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 47 (12), 1705-1721, 2021
Psychometric properties and correlates of precarious manhood beliefs in 62 nations
JK Bosson, P Jurek, JA Vandello, N Kosakowska-Berezecka, M Olech, ...
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 52 (3), 231-258, 2021
Animalizing the disadvantaged, mechanizing the wealthy: The convergence of socio‐economic status and attribution of humanity
M Sainz, R Martínez, M Moya, R Rodríguez‐Bailón
International Journal of Psychology 54 (4), 423-430, 2019
Need satisfaction in intergroup contact: A multinational study of pathways toward social change.
T Hässler, J Ullrich, S Sebben, N Shnabel, M Bernardino, D Valdenegro, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 122 (4), 634, 2022
Assortative mating and the evolution of desirability covariation
D Conroy-Beam, JR Roney, AW Lukaszewski, DM Buss, K Asao, ...
Evolution and Human Behavior 40 (5), 479-491, 2019
Lacking socio‐economic status reduces subjective well‐being through perceptions of meta‐dehumanization
M Sainz, R Martínez, M Moya, R Rodríguez‐Bailón, J Vaes
British Journal of Social Psychology 60 (2), 470-489, 2021
Country‐level and individual‐level predictors of men's support for gender equality in 42 countries
N Kosakowska‐Berezecka, T Besta, JK Bosson, P Jurek, JA Vandello, ...
European Journal of Social Psychology 50 (6), 1276-1291, 2020
Dehumanization of socioeconomically disadvantaged groups decreases support for welfare policies via perceived wastefulness
M Sainz, S Loughnan, R Martínez Gutiérrez, MC Moya Morales, ...
Ubiquity Press, 2020
Contrasting computational models of mate preference integration across 45 countries
D Conroy-Beam, DM Buss, K Asao, A Sorokowska, P Sorokowski, T Aavik, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 16885, 2019
The link between authentic leadership, organizational dehumanization and stress at work
M Sainz, N Delgado, JA Moriano
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones 37 (2), 85-92, 2021
Less human, more to blame: Animalizing poor people increases blame and decreases support for wealth redistribution
M Sainz, R Martínez, RM Sutton, R Rodríguez-Bailón, M Moya
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 23 (4), 546-559, 2020
Reasons for facebook usage: Data from 46 countries
M Kowal, P Sorokowski, A Sorokowska, M Dobrowolska, K Pisanski, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 711, 2020
Gendered self-views across 62 countries: A test of competing models
N Kosakowska-Berezecka, JK Bosson, P Jurek, T Besta, M Olech, ...
Social Psychological and Personality Science 14 (7), 808-824, 2023
Abusive leadership versus objectifying job features: Factors that influence organizational dehumanization and workers’ self‐objectification
M Sainz, C Baldissarri
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 51 (8), 825-837, 2021
Sex differences in human mate preferences vary across sex ratios
KV Walter, D Conroy-Beam, DM Buss, K Asao, A Sorokowska, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1955), 20211115, 2021
Where does the money come from? Humanizing high socioeconomic status groups undermines attitudes toward redistribution
M Sainz, R Martínez, R Rodríguez-Bailón, M Moya
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 771, 2019
On the way to fusion through the pilgrims’ route: Factors that maintain identity fusion in collective rituals
RM Lobato, M Sainz
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 23 (4), 502-518, 2020
Dehumanization of outgroup members and cross-group interactions
I Borinca, J Van Assche, B Gronfeldt, M Sainz, J Anderson, EHO Taşbaş
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 50, 101247, 2023
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Articles 1–20