Anke Bergmann
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Cited by
Incidence and risk factors of lymphedema after breast cancer treatment: 10 years of follow-up
ACPR Pereira, RJ Koifman, A Bergmann
The Breast 36, 67-73, 2017
Nomograms for predicting the risk of arm lymphedema after axillary dissection in breast cancer
JLB Bevilacqua, MW Kattan, Y Changhong, S Koifman, IE Mattos, ...
Annals of surgical oncology 19, 2580-2589, 2012
Alcohol consumption and risk of cancer: a systematic literature review
RF de Menezes, A Bergmann, LCS Thuler
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 14 (9), 4965-4972, 2013
Post-mastectomy pain syndrome: incidence and risks
EAN Fabro, A Bergmann, BA e Silva, ACP Ribeiro, K de Souza Abrahão, ...
The Breast 21 (3), 321-325, 2012
Câncer de mama em mulheres jovens: análise de 12.689 casos
AB Pinheiro, DS Lauter, GC Medeiros, IR Cardozo, LM Menezes, ...
Revista Brasileira de cancerologia 59 (3), 351-359, 2013
Perfil das pacientes com câncer do colo do útero no Brasil, 2000-2009: estudo de base secundária
LCS Thuler, A Bergmann, L Casado
Revista brasileira de cancerologia 58 (3), 351-357, 2012
Incidence and risk factors for axillary web syndrome after breast cancer surgery
A Bergmann, VV Mendes, R de Almeida Dias, B do Amaral e Silva, ...
Breast cancer research and treatment 131, 987-992, 2012
Análise dos determinantes que influenciam o tempo para o início do tratamento de mulheres com câncer de mama no Brasil
GC Medeiros, A Bergmann, SS Aguiar, LCS Thuler
Cadernos de Saúde Pública 31 (6), 1269-1282, 2015
Fisioterapia em mastologia oncológica: rotinas do Hospital do Câncer III/INCA
A Bergmann, MJP Ribeiro, E Pedrosa, EA Nogueira, ACG Oliveira
Revista brasileira de cancerologia 52 (1), 97-109, 2006
Determinantes do diagnóstico em estadio avançado do câncer do colo do útero no Brasil
LCS Thuler, SS Aguiar, A Bergmann
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia 36, 237-243, 2014
A Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde: uma revisão sistemática de estudos observacionais
L Castaneda, A Bergmann, L Bahia
Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia 17, 437-451, 2014
Diagnóstico do linfedema: análise dos métodos empregados na avaliação do membro superior após linfadenectomia axilar para tratamento do câncer de mama
A Bergmann, IE Mattos, RJ Koifman
Revista brasileira de cancerologia 50 (4), 311-320, 2004
Impact of number of positive lymph nodes and lymph node ratio on survival of women with node-positive breast cancer
F Tonellotto, A Bergmann, K de Souza Abrahão, SS de Aguiar, MA Bello, ...
European journal of breast health 15 (2), 76, 2019
Low-level laser therapy in secondary lymphedema after breast cancer: systematic review
MTBRM e Lima, JGM e Lima, MFC de Andrade, A Bergmann
Lasers in medical science 29, 1289-1295, 2014
Quality of life as a predictor of overall survival after breast cancer treatment
SS De Aguiar, A Bergmann, IE Mattos
Quality of Life Research 23, 627-637, 2014
Physiotherapy in upper limb lymphedema after breast cancer treatment: a randomized study
A Bergmann, MGCL Ferreira, SS De Aguiar, R de Almeida Dias, ...
Lymphology 47 (2), 82-91, 2014
Outcomes of cervical cancer among HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected women treated at the Brazilian National Institute of Cancer
MP Ferreira, AE Coghill, CB Chaves, A Bergmann, LC Thuler, EA Soares, ...
Aids 31 (4), 523-531, 2017
Effects of exercise on physical outcomes of breast cancer survivors receiving hormone therapy–a systematic review and meta-analysis
L Boing, MCS Vieira, J Moratelli, A Bergmann, AC de Azevedo Guimaraes
Maturitas 141, 71-81, 2020
Factors associated with depression symptoms in women after breast cancer
L Boing, GS Pereira, CCR Araújo, FF Sperandio, MSG Loch, A Bergmann, ...
Revista de saúde pública 53, 30, 2019
Reference values for human posture measurements based on computerized photogrammetry: a systematic review
AFM Ribeiro, A Bergmann, T Lemos, AG Pacheco, MM Russo, ...
Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics 40 (3), 156-168, 2017
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Articles 1–20