Pedro Antonio García López
Pedro Antonio García López
Profesor de Estadística. Universidad de Granada
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Measurement of the relationship between perceived and computed color differences
PA Garcia, R Huertas, M Melgosa, G Cui
JOSA A 24 (7), 1823-1829, 2007
Cover crops under different managements vs. frequent tillage in almond orchards in semiarid conditions: Effects on soil quality
ME Ramos, E Benítez, PA García, AB Robles
Applied Soil Ecology 44 (1), 6-14, 2010
Influencia del entorno familiar en el desarrollo del sobrepeso y la obesidad en una población de escolares de Granada (España)
E González Jiménez, M Aguilar Cordero, CJ García García, ...
Nutrición Hospitalaria 27 (1), 177-184, 2012
Obesidad de una población de escolares de Granada: evaluación de la eficacia de una intervención educativa
M Aguilar Cordero, E González Jiménez, CJ García García, G López, ...
Nutrición hospitalaria 26 (3), 636-641, 2011
Breastfeeding and the prevention of breast cancer: a retrospective review of clinical histories
E González‐Jiménez, PA García, MJ Aguilar, CA Padilla, J Álvarez
Journal of clinical nursing 23 (17-18), 2397-2403, 2014
Use of arthropods for the evaluation of the olive‐orchard management regimes
F Ruano, C Lozano, P Garcia, A Pena, A Tinaut, F Pascual, M Campos
Agricultural and Forest Entomology 6 (2), 111-120, 2004
Social support mediates the effect of burnout on health in health care professionals
P Ruisoto, MR Ramírez, PA García, B Paladines-Costa, SL Vaca, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 623587, 2021
Lactancia materna: un método eficaz en la prevención del cáncer de mama
M Aguilar Cordero, E González Jiménez, J Álvarez Ferre, ...
Nutrición hospitalaria 25 (6), 954-958, 2010
Prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad nutricional e hipertensión arterial y su relación con indicadores antropométricos en una población de escolares de Granada y su provincia
E González Jiménez, M Aguilar Cordero, CJ García García, G López, ...
Nutrición Hospitalaria 26 (5), 1004-1010, 2011
Notes on the application of the standardized residual sum of squares index for the assessment of intra-and inter-observer variability in color-difference experiments
M Melgosa, PA García, L Gómez-Robledo, R Shamey, D Hinks, G Cui, ...
JOSA A 28 (5), 949-953, 2011
Impact of agricultural management on spider populations in the canopy of olive trees
M Cárdenas, F Ruano, P García, F Pascual, M Campos
Biological control 38 (2), 188-195, 2006
Estudio comparativo de la eficacia del índice de masa corporal y el porcentaje de grasa corporal como métodos para el diagnóstico de sobrepeso y obesidad en población pediátrica
M Aguilar Cordero, E González Jiménez, CJ García García, ...
Nutrición hospitalaria 27 (1), 185-191, 2012
Xerostomía: diagnóstico y manejo clínico
E González Jiménez, M Aguilar Cordero, R Guisado Barrilao, ...
Revista Clínica de Medicina de Familia 2 (6), 300-304, 2009
Influence of natural daylight on soil color description: Assessment using a color‐appearance model
M Sánchez-Marañón, PA García, R Huertas, J Hernández-Andrés, ...
Soil Science Society of America Journal 75 (3), 984-993, 2011
Agricultural factors affecting Verticillium wilt in olive orchards in Spain
E Rodríguez, JM García-Garrido, PA García, M Campos
European Journal of Plant Pathology 122, 287-295, 2008
A simple bioindication method to discriminate olive orchard management types using the soil arthropod fauna
C Jerez-Valle, PA García, M Campos, F Pascual
Applied Soil Ecology 76, 42-51, 2014
Comparing taxonomic levels of epigeal insects under different farming systems in Andalusian olive agroecosystems
B Cotes, M Campos, F Pascual, PA García, F Ruano
Applied Soil Ecology 44 (3), 228-236, 2010
Assessing the effects of using compost–sludge mixtures to reduce erosion in road embankments
J De Oña, F Osorio, PA Garcia
Journal of hazardous materials 164 (2-3), 1257-1265, 2009
Impact of pesticides on beneficial arthropod fauna of olive groves
F Ruano, C Lozano, A Tinaut, A Peña, F Pascual, P García, M Campos
IOBC wprs Bulletin 24 (4), 113-120, 2001
Influence of family environment of the development of obesity and overweight in a population of school children in Granada (Spain)
Nutricion hospitalaria 27 (1), 177-184, 2012
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Articles 1–20