Yustian Rovi Alfiansah
Yustian Rovi Alfiansah
Researcher of Marine Microbiology, National Research and Innovation Agency
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Cited by
Bacterial abundance and community composition in pond water from shrimp aquaculture systems with different stocking densities
YR Alfiansah, C Hassenrück, A Kunzmann, A Taslihan, J Harder, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 9, 2457, 2018
Structure and co-occurrence patterns of bacterial communities associated with white faeces disease outbreaks in Pacific white-leg shrimp Penaeus vannamei aquaculture
YR Alfiansah, S Peters, J Harder, C Hassenrück, A Gärdes
Scientific reports 10 (1), 11980, 2020
Metabolic performance of the coral reef fish Siganus guttatus exposed to combinations of water borne diesel, an anionic surfactant and elevated temperature in Indonesia
G Baum, P Kegler, BM Scholz-Böttcher, YR Alfiansah, M Abrar, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 110 (2), 735-746, 2016
Characterization of an Insoluble and Soluble Form of Melanin Produced by Streptomyces cavourensis SV 21, a Sea Cucumber Associated Bacterium
JT Wibowo, MY Kellermann, LE Petersen, YR Alfiansah, C Lattyak, ...
Marine Drugs 20 (1), 54, 2022
Bacterial biofilm communities and coral larvae settlement at different levels of anthropogenic impact in the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia
P Kegler, HF Kegler, A Gärdes, SCA Ferse, M Lukman, YR Alfiansah, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 4, 270, 2017
Recent innovation in microbial source tracking using bacterial real-time PCR markers in shellfish
A Mauffret, S Mieszkin, M Morizur, Y Alfiansah, S Lozach, M Gourmelon
Marine pollution bulletin 68 (1-2), 21-29, 2013
High-performance liquid chromatography to detect thiocyanate in reef fish caught with cyanide: a practical field application
N Herz, S Ferse, YR Alfiansah, A Kunzmann
SPC Live Reef Fish Information Bulletin 21, 8-16, 2016
Isolation and distribution of crude oil and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria from polluted harbours in north jakarta
YR Alfiansah, M Adindasari, M Argarini, Y Darmayati, R Ruyitno
Marine Research in Indonesia 39 (2), 79-85, 2015
Comparative Environmental Impacts and Development Benefits of Coastal Aquaculture in Three Tropical Countries: Madagascar, Tanzania and Indonesia
A Kunzmann, G Todinanahary, FE Msuya, Y Alfiansah
Tropical Life Sciences Research 34 (3), 279, 2023
Addition of Molasses Ameliorates Water and Bio-Floc Quality in Shrimp Pond Water
YR Alfiansah, J Harder, MJ Slater, A Gärdes
Next-generation sequencing revealed specific microbial symbionts in Porites lutea with pigment abnormalities in North Sulawesi, Indonesia
D Ou, B Chen, TA Hadi, Suharsono, W Niu, YR Alfiansah
Acta Oceanologica Sinica 37, 78-84, 2018
White Rot Fungi Consortium Treatment Enhanced Recalcitrant Organic Pollutant Removal in River Water
DK Wardani, I Idris, I Purnaningsih, TP Napitupulu, I Ramadhani, ...
Transdisciplinary Research and Education Center for Green Technologies …, 2023
Water quality and bacterial community management in shrimp ponds in Rembang, Indonesia: Towards sustainable shrimp aquaculture
YR Alfiansah, A Gärdes
Below tropical coastal land ecosystems: composition and functional diversity of microbial community across mangroves and paddy field
BR Hastilestari, D Syahidah, EI Riyanti, YR Alfiansah
Microbiome Drivers of Ecosystem Function, 281-309, 2024
Microbiome in shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei aquaculture: dynamic changes and bacterial lifestyles
YR Alfiansah
Universität Bremen, 2019
Produksi Miselium Jamur Ling zhi (Ganoderma lucidum) pada Kultur Terendam Teragitasi dengan Penambahan Zat Pengatur Tumbuh NAA
YR Alfiansah
FMIPA Undip, 2005
The Diversity and Resistance of Microbial Community under Mercury Contamination in Paddy Soils
FY Amandita, E Efadeswarni, R Andriyani, LF Wijaya, AZN Ikhwani, I Idris, ...
Pollution 11 (1), 147-160, 2024
Determining the doses of probiotics for application in Scylla tranquebarica (Fabricius 1798) larvae to produce crablet
G Gunarto, YR Alfiansah, M Muliani, BR Tampangalo, H Herlinah, ...
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 27 (3), 180-194, 2024
The growth of mercury-resistant bacterial consortium at different levels of pH, temperature, and C: N ratio
FY Amandita, AZN Ikhwani, A Sugiharto, YS Fatma, YR Alfiansah, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1201 (1), 012068, 2023
Addition of Molasses Ameliorates Water and Bio-Floc Quality in Shrimp Pond Water
A Gärdes, MJ Slater, Y Alfiansah
Trop Life Sci Reasearch 33 (1), 2022
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Articles 1–20