Corwin D. Smidt
Corwin D. Smidt
Associate Professor of Political Science, Michigan State University
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Cited by
Polarization and the decline of the American floating voter
CD Smidt
American Journal of Political Science 61 (2), 365-381, 2017
Understanding the psychological nature and mechanisms of political trust
JA Hamm, C Smidt, RC Mayer
PloS one 14 (5), e0215835, 2019
Waiting to vote in the 2016 presidential election: Evidence from a multi-county study
RM Stein, C Mann, C Stewart III, Z Birenbaum, A Fung, J Greenberg, ...
Political Research Quarterly 73 (2), 439-453, 2020
Not all news is the same: Protests, presidents, and the mass public agenda
CD Smidt
Public Opinion Quarterly 76 (1), 72-94, 2012
The dynamic properties of individual-level party identification in the United States
BL Bartels, JM Box-Steffensmeier, CD Smidt, RM Smith
Electoral Studies 30 (1), 210-222, 2011
Following the money: Super PACs and the 2012 presidential nomination
DP Christenson, CD Smidt
Presidential Studies Quarterly 44 (3), 410-430, 2014
Polls and Elections: Still Part of the Conversation: Iowa and New Hampshire's Say within the Invisible Primary
DP Christenson, CD Smidt
Presidential Studies Quarterly 42 (3), 597-621, 2012
Analyzing the robustness of semi-parametric duration models for the study of repeated events
JM Box-Steffensmeier, S Linn, CD Smidt
Political Analysis 22 (2), 183-204, 2014
Deus ex Machina: Candidate web presence and the presidential nomination campaign
DP Christenson, CD Smidt, C Panagopoulos
Political Research Quarterly 67 (1), 108-122, 2014
More bang for the buck: Campaign spending and fundraising success
C Smidt, D Christenson
American Politics Research 40 (6), 949-975, 2012
Pedagogical value of polling-place observation by students
CB Mann, GA Alberda, NA Birkhead, Y Ouyang, C Singer, C Stewart, ...
PS: Political Science & Politics 51 (4), 831-837, 2018
Riding the waves of money: contribution dynamics in the 2008 presidential nomination campaign
DP Christenson, CD Smidt
Strategy, Money and Technology in the 2008 Presidential Election, 97-119, 2014
Dynamics in partisanship during American presidential campaigns
CD Smidt
Public opinion quarterly 78 (S1), 303-329, 2014
Polling place quality and access
R Stein, C Mann, C Stewart
The Future of Election Administration, 83-100, 2020
Evaluating legislative districts using measures of partisan bias and simulations
B Burden, C Smidt
SAGE Open 10 (4), 2158244020981054, 2020
The consequences of elite party politics for American Macropartisanship
CD Smidt
The Journal of Politics 80 (1), 162-177, 2018
Prelude to populism: Mass electoral support for the Grange and Greenback parties
S DeCanio, CD Smidt
Party Politics 19 (5), 798-820, 2013
The Spinning Message: How News Media Coverage and Voter Persuasion Shape Campaign Agendas
CD Smidt
The Ohio State University, 2008
A uniter and a divider: American presidential campaigns and partisan perceptions of the national economy
C D. Smidt
American Politics Research 48 (2), 329-340, 2020
The Coup de Grāce to the Sanders Campaign: Michigan, Momentum & Viability
DP Christenson, CD Smidt
Society 57, 662-668, 2020
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Articles 1–20