Eve M. Ringsmuth
Cited by
Cited by
Voting fluidity and oral argument on the US Supreme Court
EM Ringsmuth, AC Bryan, TR Johnson
Political research quarterly 66 (2), 429-440, 2013
The role of emotional language in briefs before the US Supreme Court
RC Black, MEK Hall, RJ Owens, EM Ringsmuth
Journal of Law and Courts 4 (2), 377-407, 2016
Hear Me Roar: What Provokes Supreme Court Justices to Dissent from the Bench
TR Johnson, RC Black, EM Ringsmuth
Minn. L. Rev. 93, 1560, 2008
Jeremiad or weapon of words?: the power of emotive language in Supreme Court dissents
AC Bryan, EM Ringsmuth
Journal of Law and Courts 4 (1), 159-185, 2016
The American public and the room to maneuver: Responsibility attributions and policy efficacy in an era of globalization
TT Hellwig, EM Ringsmuth, JR Freeman
International Studies Quarterly 52 (4), 855-880, 2008
Oral argument in the time of covid: The chief plays Calvinball
T Jacobi, TR Johnson, EM Ringsmuth, M Sag
S. Cal. Interdisc. LJ 30, 399, 2020
It's Not Personal: Politics and Policy in Lower Court Confirmation Hearings
L Dancey, KR Nelson, EM Ringsmuth
University of Michigan Press, 2020
Supreme Court oral arguments and institutional maintenance
EM Ringsmuth, TR Johnson
American politics research 41 (4), 651-673, 2013
Strict Scrutiny
L Dancey, KR Nelson, EM Ringsmuth
Judicature 95, 126, 2011
Departures from the court: The political landscape and institutional constraints
KR Nelson, EM Ringsmuth
American Politics Research 37 (3), 486-507, 2009
Pushing constitutional limits in the US States: Legislative professionalism and judicial review of state laws by the US Supreme Court
SM Miller, EM Ringsmuth, JM Little
State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15 (4), 476-491, 2015
Voting fluidity throughout the decision-making process on the US Supreme Court
EM Ringsmuth
Justice System Journal 36 (3), 197-211, 2015
Individual Scrutiny or Politics as Usual? Senatorial Assessment of US District Court Nominees
L Dancey, KR Nelson, EM Ringsmuth
American Politics Research 42 (5), 784-814, 2014
SCOTUS and COVID: How the Media Reacted to the Livestreaming of Supreme Court Oral Arguments
R Houston, TR Johnson, EM Ringsmuth
Rowman & Littlefield, 2023
SCOTUS in the time of COVID: The evolution of justice dynamics during Oral arguments
EM Ringsmuth, M Sag, TR Johnson, T Jacobi
Law & Policy 45 (1), 66-80, 2023
The Impact of Course Structure on Students’ Political Efficacy and Confidence-in-Knowledge in Introduction to American Government
JM Jansa, EM Ringsmuth
Journal of Political Science Education 18 (4), 455-475, 2022
Invoking Precedent: Discussion of Supreme Court Decisions at Circuit Court Confirmation Hearings
L Dancey, K Nelson, EM Ringsmuth, E Solomon
American Politics Research 48 (3), 355-364, 2020
Inter-Institutional Dynamics: Assessments of the Supreme Court in a Separation of Powers Context
KR Nelson, EM Ringsmuth
Political Behavior 35, 357-382, 2013
Asked and Answered: The Senate Judiciary Committee and Judicial Confirmation Hearings
L Dancey, K Nelson, E Ringsmuth
APSA 2012 Annual Meeting Paper, 2012
Institutional rules and decision making on the US Supreme Court
EM Ringsmuth
University of Minnesota, 2009
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Articles 1–20